有谁知道People like artists and writers work on their own.这篇完形填空的文章和答案

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:58:57

有谁知道People like artists and writers work on their own.这篇完形填空的文章和答案
有谁知道People like artists and writers work on their own.这篇完形填空的文章和答案

有谁知道People like artists and writers work on their own.这篇完形填空的文章和答案


People like artists and writers usually work on their own, with no one else around. Most of my friends all work (1)______ other people in shops and so on, and they tell me that they would never get th...


People like artists and writers usually work on their own, with no one else around. Most of my friends all work (1)______ other people in shops and so on, and they tell me that they would never get things done if they work alone. I'm not (2)_____ that all artists and writers do, either.
I was born in a small village in the country where everyone knew (3)_____ else: that is, they knew everyone except a writer who (4)______ himself to himself. By the time I was (5)______ enough to learn people's names, he had been living in the village for at least twenty years, but the villagers still regarded him as a (6)_____! Every morning he would walk down to the local shops to do his (7)______, and although he had to greet everyone he met, only two or three would (8)_______ his greeting. Just occasionally, someone would ask him (9)_____ he was doing, and every time his answer would be the same: “I'm still writhing the book.” And that was all we (10)______ learned about him.
Because no one had ever visited his house, I (11)_______ once walking up to the house with three or four other boys to see (12)______ we could see what he did. We climbed up to the (13)______ and looked in, expecting to see our writhing typing (14)_______ his desk. Instead, he was sitting in an armchair (15)______ a book.
( )1. A. without B. around C. with D. for
( )2. A. sure B. afraid C. glad D. sorry
( )3. A. someone B. no one C. one D. everyone
( )4. A. talked B. kept C. taught D. paid
( )5. A. young B. old C. tall D. strong
( )6. A. stranger B. writer C. friend D. fool
( )7. A. washing B. cooking C. shopping D. typing
( )8. A. hear B. like C. return D. hate
( )9. A. what B. how C. why D. where
( )10.A. always B. still C. hardly D. ever
( )11.A. finish B. enjoy C. remember D. plan
( )12.A. that B. if C. when D. whom
( )13.A. chimneys B. doors C. windows D. walls
( )14.A. off B. on C. in D. at
( )15.A. reading B. writing C. coping D. selling
1.C. 在商店中人们肯定是在一起工作的,这是一个事实。
2.A. 根据所给的四个词的意思可知答案。
3.D. 在小村庄里,由于面积很小,人们互相之间都是彼此认识的。这是一个事实。
4.B. 句中的except就已经将文章的a writer 除外了,由于别人都互相认识,所以只有他一人独处了。
5.B. 这里作者的说的是年龄大了,才知道人们的名字。
6.A. 由于that writer经常独处,所以虽然他已经在这个村子里住了20多年了,但人们还是将他当做陌生人的。
7.C. 到商店肯定是买东西。
8.C. 由于人们不认识他,所以即使他主动与别人打招呼,也很少有人回复他的。所以这里用return 最佳。
9.A. 根据答语“I'm still writhing the book.” 可知人们所问的应该是动作。
10.D. 人们对the writer 了解的唯一一件事情就是他在写书,这也是人们曾经得到的关于他的唯一的情况。
11.C. 下面所讲的都是作者能记住的当时的事情。
12.B. 孩子们带着好奇心去看那位作家究竟在做什么。
13.C. 孩子们爬到窗户旁才能看到that writer的动作的。选择其他词语不如windows 确切。
14.D. at 在这里是“在……旁”的意思。
15.A. instead表示转折,说明that writer 并没有写书,而是坐在armchair上看书。
