
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 01:51:45


一个可爱的卧室里it's in a lovely bedroom,
床在靠墙的位置,the bed is near the wall,
床头有一个相框挂着,是小熊的,there's a photo frame decorated by a little bear
床的右侧有一幅壁画,上面有画着气球.and a picture with baloons on the right side of the bed
床的旁边有一张小桌子,上面放着一盏台灯,the desk sits beside the bed with a lamp on it
地板上有三箱玩具,分别在左上角靠墙的位置,床的旁边和床的下面.there're 3 boxes of toys:one is by the wall,another is by the bed and the other is under the bed
有一本书在箱子的旁边.there is a book beside the box(es)
左上(?!)考最里面的有一扇门,旁边有一个开关,(这句中文没看懂)the door is in the up left corner,with a switch near it.
这是一个非常可爱的小房间.this little room is really cute.
这是我自己写的.在百度知道上好多人都是在网上翻译,比如translate.google.cn 自己去翻译一下不就好了~

A lovely bedroom, position of bed at by the wall, bedside contain a frame hang, is right side that small bear of, bed contain a mural, up drawing the balloon.There is a small table by the side of the ...


A lovely bedroom, position of bed at by the wall, bedside contain a frame hang, is right side that small bear of, bed contain a mural, up drawing the balloon.There is a small table by the side of the bed, putting a standard lamp up, having three boxes of toys on the floor, distinguishing in the left and last Cape by the wall of position, the flank of the bed with the underneath of the bed.There is a book flank in box.It is left to ascend to test to have most inside a door, have a switch side, this is a very lovely and small room.



In a lovable bedroom, the bed in depends on the wall the position, the head has a picture frame to hang, is young Xiong, bed's right flank has a mural, above has the picture balloon. Bed's side has a ...


In a lovable bedroom, the bed in depends on the wall the position, the head has a picture frame to hang, is young Xiong, bed's right flank has a mural, above has the picture balloon. Bed's side has a small table, above puts a desk lamp, on the floor is having three box of toys, separately in the top left-hand corner depending on wall position, bed's side and bed's under. Has a book in box's side. On left tests most inside to have a leafed door, side has a switch, this is between a very lovable den.


A lovely bedroom, the bed against the wall in the position of the bed hung a picture frame, is the Cubs, the right side of the bed there is a mural, painted balloons above. The bed next to a small tab...


A lovely bedroom, the bed against the wall in the position of the bed hung a picture frame, is the Cubs, the right side of the bed there is a mural, painted balloons above. The bed next to a small table on which stood a table lamp, floor there are three boxes of toys, in the upper left corner of the location of the wall, next to the bed and the bed below. There is a book in the box next to. Left inside the examination of the door, next to a switch, this is a very lovely small room.


In a lovely bedroom,the bed is neer the wall,on the top of the bed is a bear picture,on the right of the bed is a mural, above has the picture balloon. Bed's side has a small table, above puts a desk ...


In a lovely bedroom,the bed is neer the wall,on the top of the bed is a bear picture,on the right of the bed is a mural, above has the picture balloon. Bed's side has a small table, above puts a desk lamp, on the floor is having three box of toys, separately in the top left-hand corner depending on wall position, bed's side and bed's under. Has a book in box's side. On left tests most inside to have a leafed door, side has a switch, this is between a very lovable den.



英语翻译本人对英语了解甚少,所以先把看到的图用中文表示下,一个可爱的卧室里,床在靠墙的位置,床头有一个相框挂着,是小熊的,床的右侧有一幅壁画,上面有画着气球.床的旁边有一张小桌 英语翻译本人是酒店前台,所以需要了解前台接待的英语,如果有一整套的则更好 要买望远镜看星星,那么需要先了解什么样的天文知识?因为需要知道自己有没有那个恒心去做,所以先了解一下.注:本人对地理天文都比较感兴趣. 所以我们要有团结的意识 的英语本人只是初中生,请翻译的简便一些,尽量生单词少一些,意思对即可 英语翻译如果他对谁都是如此的暧昧不明,你又何必把他逢场作戏的话当真.T因为我分少所以给的少…… 英语翻译我想把“我拥有世界上最宝贵的东西,那就是你们”这句话翻译成英语,但是本人英语很烂..所以,拜托大虾们了.. 英语翻译作为一名管理类的学生,我觉得对财务知识有所了解,所以考取了会计从业资格证.用英语怎么说啊, 许嵩 VAE 英文名的由来、意思?本人很喜欢许嵩 VAE 所以想对他了解更多. 新西兰城市据说新西兰的语言环境不是很好,本人对新也很不了解.所以拜托了解新西兰情况的朋友赐教,哪个城市相对中国人少一些,(语言环境会好点)没有大学也行.如果语言过了.到时候再 求推荐一些好听的英语流行或经典歌曲 和同学去KTV的时候用本人是古典乐迷 男中音 学过民族和美声 但是对流行音乐了解甚少~希望不仅仅能提供一些好听的歌曲 还能给一点流行音乐方面的 根据你对山市的了解,把早行者看到的山市描绘一下 英语翻译本人英语不好, 英语翻译先对先得 本人对英语不懂, 英语翻译是 yongdinglu middle school of hai dian borough in Beijing 本人英语不太好 所以 英语翻译求教这句话该如何翻译:“有一个情况您有所不知:我们并不擅长英语,所以对国外资料了解不足.虽然我校开始了音乐史课程,但是,我们对美国音乐依然一无所知”. Dut it hard to understand to me!本人对英语敏感,所以向大家指教指教. 英语翻译网上基本用的是一个错误版本“所以要了解是非很难啊,孔子认为要了解一个人更难啊.”(差不多是这个版本吧),而且,这个版本里面把“食洁而后馈”翻译成“我自己先吃干净的饭