
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:54:21


Everyone knows they will be dead,but still alive in the efforts.

We all know that we will leave this world one day but we still need to make an effort to live life to the fullest.

Everyone is struggling to live in this world although they realize they are going to die

Knowing death will come someday, we still strive for living.

Everyone foresees a doomed death of themselves sooner or later, but still is struggling to live.

man knows die, but struggle to live

Although everyone knows that they will be dead, they still try to be alive with all their efforts.

Everyone is struggling to live in this world although they realize they are going to die.
although they realize that they are going to die.

Everyone is struggling to live in this world although they realize they are going to die.
改为:Everyone is struggling to live in this world although he realizes he is doomed to death.
这样修改以后强调了 每个人
doom 强调是不可更改的 劫数

Everyone know that they will dead,but they are still alive hard