Dinosaurs died out on the earth等于什么用英语解释,died out 划线.我写didn’t alive 完整的句子,

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Dinosaurs died out on the earth等于什么用英语解释,died out 划线.我写didn’t alive 完整的句子,
Dinosaurs died out on the earth等于什么
用英语解释,died out 划线.我写didn’t alive

Dinosaurs died out on the earth等于什么用英语解释,died out 划线.我写didn’t alive 完整的句子,


dinosaurs died out years ago 同义句 Why dinosaurs died out remains a puzzle.remain不是不及物动词吗?为什么后面跟名词? Dinosaurs died out on the earth等于什么用英语解释,died out 划线.我写didn’t alive 完整的句子, Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never____again.A.to be seen B.being seen为什么不选B, Dinosaurs hace completely died out on the earth,never____again. A.to be seen B.being seen答案是A,为什么不选B,请解释一下 no one has __ a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out .A put up with B caught up withC kept up with D come up with 英语关于时态的选择题Dinosaurs are though to_____millions of years ago.A die outB have died outC having died outD dying out选择什么好呢?我选择了A died out 近义词是 Dinosaurs once lived happily on the earth.But 65 million years ago,they suddenly died out.What happened to them?Some American scientists say it is because there were not e___male dinosaur Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never____again.A.to be seen B.being seen为什么选A不选B?结果状语中 不定式不是表出乎预料的结果吗?怎么用的是不定式呢? No one can give us an exact ___ of why dinosaurs all died suddenly.(explain) 对加引号部分提问:The last dinosaurs died more than 60 million years ago 用同义句写出下面的句子1.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly2.Mickey Mouse was based on a mouse3.After leaving school ,be became asoldier4.Beijing is famous for many atractions5.Finally ,we won the game6.He is more than 50 years old7.What do yo 英语翻译翻译,10点之前有效 1 He often plays computer games,__ his studies.(harm)他经常玩游戏,这有害他的学习.2 __ how dinosaurs died out.(remain) 恐龙是如何灭绝的仍然是个迷.3 __ or you will get r dinosaurs have been completely died out on the earth,never (being seen) again.为什么不可以直接用 seen With a report ( to write )about the accident,I have to find some witnesses for help.为什么不是 written It's likely that he is the only 一道GMAT改错题A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago,the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet,believed to be the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.答案说believed to be 不对.好的 What is the reason of dinosaurs die out?用英文回答 Many a soldier ___ since the war broke out. A died B have died C has died D would die