
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:27:31


In my community,there are always plenty smart dogs runing here and there.Though,dogs often present brilliant comprehension such as comforting its sad master by sitting around him or catching the morning newspaper for master from the mailman.But,they often cause some troubles,especially when Teacher Tom、Worker John and Artist Lily's dogs come altogether--they would bit、beat、run after each other--they even tried to run into the stadium、the airport and the church.Remeber last weekeed,these three silly dogs somehow successfully rashed in to the local church!What's more,there was a wedding there.People there got such a shake that no one could move until someone got up and tried to drive them away,of course,he failed.Luckily,the humorous pastor said a joke and it's splendidly worked,everyone was laughing and then the crowd was delighted again.Bride's parents saw the incident was solved,they kiss each other in cheek,and people let these dogs stay and play during the whole wedding.Insofar,the residents still talk about this amusement for fun.

英语高手来~用以下单词写短文!smart、plenty、though、fail、altogether、amusement、artist、cheek、brilliant、humorous、church、port、airport、silly、delighted、stadium、joke、splendidly、beat.用13、14个都可以.谢谢 英语单词 造句成篇(英语高手速来帮忙)用以下的英语单词 ,造句连成篇短文.pickyrespiteplungeperennialsansRenaissance manpushy请高手们进来帮帮忙阿.急用阿.作业来的.谢谢各位了. 请大家帮忙用以下内容,写一篇英文短文. 英语高手来啊3Q (补全单词,首字母已给出)Ruben is very smart.He studies all the time.He is i___. 请用以下成语其中至少6个成语来写一篇百字内短文拔山举鼎 四面楚歌 哀鸿遍野 哀梨蒸食 矮子看戏 爱屋及乌 安步当车 按图索骥 白驹过隙 白龙鱼服 白衣苍狗 高风亮节 班荆道故 抱瓮灌畦 用以26个英语字母开头的单词写短文,每篇5-6句就行,一共26篇比如,以字母A开头的单词apple.写成短文:I like apple very much.急啊,快.一共26篇 求用以下句子写一篇英语作文, 用以下词语为关键字写一篇英语短文love society help pass内容:1.自己或他人的一次经历2.你的感受 用以下词语写一篇不少与50词的英语短文?words:computer,cup,basketball,grandpa.在用中文翻译一遍.给你加50分 用i:来写一篇英语小短文,就是这个短文中有许多单词发i:,短文不要太长, 英语smart这个单词是不是根据汉字“时髦的”这个词来的? smart这个单词的音标怎么写 英语作文my atittude towards life希望高手来写一篇200单词大学水平 英语作文freedom of press希望高手来写一篇200单词大学水平 用 above 这个单词 英语造句 来介绍自己的房间 不用以主语的形式 Saturday,fine,go to the park,in the morning,classmate,play football,play basketball,good,time,下do homework,after supper,watch TV,sleep 求求你们,用以上这些单词,词组写40字左右的短文. 你的英语朋友David下周要来看望你,你需要向他介绍一下去你家的路线.根据图上的信息,写一篇短文.用以下短语:take a taxi.on your right .turn left.turn right.go down.on your left.go through.字数40以上. 用以下单词写一段话grocery insist extremely introduce present treatment glance whisper approach gently