
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:52:08


James Cameron once more shows that he knows what he is doing. I finally get to watch it after waiting so long. I am still in shock from what I experienced. The visual effects in the movie is great, you have to watch it with your own eyes to feel the magic James Cameron has captured with this masterpiece. Acting is excellent, you can't ask for anything more than the actors gave from science fiction. Whoever said no love or passion in the movie is mistaking big time, it has something for everyone starting from astonishing score and love story, big epic, awesome war episode and a unrepeatable beauty of Pandora. If you didn't like the movie at any point, you seriously need to see your doctor. Thank you, James Cameron for the best experience of my life!

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