英语翻译付款方式此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付甲方在乙方检修人员进场后十天内付给乙方合同价总价的30%待第二台机组检修完成后十天内付给乙

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:31:05

英语翻译付款方式此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付甲方在乙方检修人员进场后十天内付给乙方合同价总价的30%待第二台机组检修完成后十天内付给乙
此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付
带检修工作完成后 甲方在十五天内付给乙方部分检修费用
合同总价的10%作为保证金 在检修工作完成后半年,如无质量问题 一次性付清 乙方向甲方提供相应数额发票

英语翻译付款方式此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付甲方在乙方检修人员进场后十天内付给乙方合同价总价的30%待第二台机组检修完成后十天内付给乙
The Maintenance Engineering Maintenance 50,000 contract price after the completion of repair at a cost of the settlement payment
Party A Party B Maintenance personnel move in within 10 days after the contract price lump sum paid to the B 30%
The second question units within 10 days after the completion of maintenance paid to the B 30% of the total contract price
With repair work completed in 15 days Party A Party B of the maintenance costs paid
Payment = clearing price - 70% of the total contract price *
10% of the contract price as a deposit in the six months after the completion of repair work,such as quality issues with a one-time payment to Party A Party B to the corresponding amount of the invoice

The Maintenance Engineering Maintenance 50,000 contract price after the completion of repair at a cost of the settlement payment
Party A Party B Maintenance personnel move in within 10 days after...


The Maintenance Engineering Maintenance 50,000 contract price after the completion of repair at a cost of the settlement payment
Party A Party B Maintenance personnel move in within 10 days after the contract price lump sum paid to the B 30%
The second question units within 10 days after the completion of maintenance paid to the B 30% of the total contract price
With repair work completed in 15 days Party A Party B of the maintenance costs paid
Payment = clearing price - 70% of the total contract price *
10% of the contract price as a deposit in the six months after the completion of repair work, such as quality issues with a one-time payment to Party A Party B to the corresponding amount of the invoice


付款方式 Terms of Payment
此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付
The total order amount is RMB50.000, the repairing fee will be payed under balance price.
Party ...


付款方式 Terms of Payment
此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付
The total order amount is RMB50.000, the repairing fee will be payed under balance price.
Party A agrees to pay 30% of the total order amount to Party B within ten days since Party B entered into Party A's workshop and start the project.
Party A agrees to pay 30% of the total order amount to Party B within ten days since Party B finished the repairing for the second unit.
带检修工作完成后 甲方在十五天内付给乙方部分检修费用
Party A agrees to pay the part repairing fee to Party B within 15 days since Party B finished the repairing project.
合同总价的10%作为保证金 在检修工作完成后半年,如无质量问题 一次性付清 乙方向甲方提供相应数额发票
the amount of deposit shall be 10% of the total order amount.Party A agrees to pay off the total amount six mounths after the project completed and no quality problem caused during the six months. and Party B will offer the relevant invoice to Party A
合同总价的10%作为保证金 在检修工作完成后半年,如无质量问题 一次性付清-? 付清合同总价还是? 不明确


英语翻译付款方式此次检修工程合同总价5万元 检修工作完成后 检修费用按结算价进行支付甲方在乙方检修人员进场后十天内付给乙方合同价总价的30%待第二台机组检修完成后十天内付给乙 就补充问题里的某工程合同总价500万,合同工期5个月,合同有下列规定: 1.预付备料款为工程合同总价的10%;2.工程进度款按月结算;3.从预付备料支付金额达到合同总价的60%开始付款,扣回 合同付款方式发货每满十万元结算一次,结算至该批货款的95%,如阶段性供货不满10万元,则在供货结束二十天内结款至供货总金额的95%.余款5%在六个月后结清.合同总价为1541097.09元.每次应该怎 工程经济学问题?本题如下:某设备价格为55万元,合同签订时付了10万元,然后采用分期付款方式.第一年年末付款14万元,从第2年起每半年付款4万元,设年利率为12%,每半年复利一次.问多少年能付 某公司有一项付款业务,有甲乙丙三种付款方式可供选择,甲方案:1—5年每半年年末付款2万元,共20万乙方案:1—5年每年年初付款3.8万元,共19万丙方案:3年后每年年初付款7.5万元,连续支付3次 关于合同中的terms of payment 付款方式,分为几种付款方式? 请在合同中注明付款方式 ,英文翻译. 英语翻译九,付款日期及结算方式:乙方收到货后30天内凭增值税发票付款.十、违约责任:(1)在履行合同过程中如乙方在收到甲方货物后,违反本合同第九条规定,则按所欠货款总额的5%-10%支 英语翻译产品名称 盒装数量 箱装数量 箱尺寸(cm) 箱重量品名 规格 数量 单价 总价一次性交货:75天内 付款方式:预付总价30%,剩余70%见提单复印件5天内付清 分批交货:100天内分2-3批出货,首 英语翻译支付方式:本合同签订后5个工作日内,乙方向甲方支付房屋押金人民币-( 人民币-万)元,此押金在租赁期满乙方不再续租时返还;甲方向乙方交付房屋同时乙方向甲方支付第一期租 工程经济学习题答案 某设备价格为55万元,合同签订时付了10万元,然后采用分期付款.第一年末付款14万元,从第二年初起每半年付款4万元,设年利率为12%,每半年复利一次,问多少年能付清设备价 某设备价格价格为55万元,合同签订时付了10万元,然后采用分期付款方式.第一年末付款14万元,从第二年初起每半年付款4万元,设年利率为12%,每半年复利一次,问多少年能付清设备价款? 固定总价合同,合同内工程量出现变更减少,如何结算?合同专用条款约定:固定价格是指固定总价.招标范围内及投标书范围内的工程总价不变.现在招标范围内工程量因建设单位要求出现增减 建设工程合同按计价方式如何分类? 工程合同 付款方式 付款方式: 合同付款方式”交货一周内付清全款”用英语怎么说?