英语翻译短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 01:11:49

英语翻译短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone
短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone,buried in the treacherous earth.The solid ground is solid only in appearance.It is actually quicksand,which is a deep mass of fine sand mixed with water.How is quicksand formed?Water pushes up from below the surface and is held by the sand.The grains of sand are forced apart by the water.They cannot hold any weight.The subsurface water may have come from a spring,a river,or a stream.Sometimes pools of water near beaches become filled with sand.When the soil under these pools does not allow for good drainage,the sand can become stretches of quicksand.Is it true that a man who steps into quicksand is doomed to die?No,for men have fought their way from quicksand to firm land again.It is panic that creates the condition that can result in death,for the more a person struggles,the worse matters become.Quick movements will make the sand yield temporarily,but then it rushes and settles solidly around the body.A man trapped in quicksand should either lie back,or not move at all,except to stretch out his arms.When the weight of the sand his body has displaces equals his weight,he will stop sinking.With feet held still,and with slow movements of the arms,as in the backstroke in swimming,men have managed to roll to safety and reach firm ground.急求这篇短文的能够“读得通”的中文翻译,如果是直接从翻译网址上拉下来的完全读不通的翻译请不要贴上来,

英语翻译短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone
一个人踏上了似乎非常结实的地上,但惊恐地发现地面在他的脚下分开使他他陷入.该男子拼命又绝望地挣扎,但他被困住了.他无法逃脱.他慢慢地沉入更深,直到他最终死去,被埋在险象环生的大地.那看上去结实的土地只有外表是坚实的.它实际上只是流沙,是由一个被良好的沙子叠加起来的重型沙团与水混合而成的.那麼这些流沙如何形成的呢?水从由沙子紧密堆积形成的地表以下被渐渐推升,使颗粒被迫分开.导致地表不能承受重量. 些地下水的源头可能是一个清泉,一条河流,或一条小溪.有时海滩附近的水池变得充满沙子.当这些池下的土壤不能再良好排水了,土壤里的沙子就可以成为流沙.不过难道一名男子踩到流沙上,就注定要死去吗?不,人应该一直努力营救自己直到他从流沙中逃回地面.只是是恐慌创造了导致死亡的条件.人越是挣扎,事态就越进一步恶化.快速运动可以暂时使砂分开,但随后补上来的沙子会扎扎实实地固定住人的身体.如果一个人被困在流沙中,那麼他应该躺下,同时除了试图伸出他的手臂以为一动不动.当被他的身体所取代沙的重量等于他的体重,那麼他就会停止下沉.只要保持脚不动,手臂缓慢划动,就像在游仰泳一样.最终这个人就可以成功逃离到安全的地方,到达平地.

英语翻译短文:A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet.The man struggles desperately,but he is trapped.He cannot escape.Slowly he sinks deeper until at last he is gone 翻译英语短文a girl or a boy,a woman o a man a brave man英语短文 英语翻译One day,there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a sign by his feet,that reads:I am blind,please help.A creative publicist was walking by the blind man and stopped to observe that the man only had a few coins in his 英语翻译整句是这样的:HE was small man who took small steps,as if a strong wind could,at any time,blow him up into the coulds.能翻译通 英语翻译A cat wants to get a mouse that is 10 steps away from it.We know that When the cat takes 5 steps the mouse takes 9 steps.For the time that the cat takes 2 steps the mouse can take 3 steps.How many steps does the cat have to take in order 英语翻译Process – a sequence of steps performed for a givenpurpose 英语翻译汉语:a tall man 英语翻译问两点,to book a place 怎么翻译? 还有:steps below 在这里怎么翻译 英语翻译One morning,a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.He held a sign which said ,I am blind .Please help me. There were only a few coins in the hat A man was walking by.He took out a few coins from his pocket and 英语翻译A towering new memorial was unveiled on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.this week.It honors the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.(1929–1968) as a man of peace.King delivered his I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memoria 英语翻译I’m just the boy inside the man,not exactly who you think I amTrying to trace my steps back here again,so many timesI’m just a speck inside your head,you came and made me who I amI remember where it all began,so clearlyI feel a millio 英语翻译The only thing I knew was that I was standing at night .The moon was big and bright .I 1 around and thought that I was on Mars .A plane was near me .The door of the plane opened and a man 2 white hair and blue eyes walked down the steps . 英语翻译1.their steps sounded futher and futher away2.a close friend will share your trouble as well as joys 英语翻译can you kindly forward a propasal that would outline the next steps for how you would like to proceed? 英语翻译r u a fucking stupid man? 英语翻译Alfred Nobel---a man of contrasts 英语翻译A man ______(call) himself Jack.