
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 08:27:28


1,Last summer vacation,I went on a trip to Beijing.I went there by train with my family.In Beijing,we went to Tian an men square and many other interesting places such as the Palace Museum and the Beihai park,we took many pictures there,they were very beautiful.I had a great time in Beijing and I felt very happy
2,today ,i furtunately get a chance to take part in a vocatin team which is made up of many tlented pepole.among them are techers,scholars ,engineers and other varied men .
we are advancing to the destination which i have expected to be a wonderful palace ,when we are tired ,we rest,hungry,we eat ;everything seems sowonderful and we really get a lot of fun.
3,The water was warm and the sun was bright every day.In most days there were no waves In the middle of the day wind began to blow,but it was not strong In our holiday strong wind blew for three times.That made very big waves on the sea.It was very beautiful..
It’s a cold evening.It snows outside.An old man walks in the street with a horse.He wants to find a warm place because he is very cold now.
He finds a pub and goes in.There are many people in the pub.And most people stay by the fire to keep warm .He can’t go near.Then he has an idea and says to the waiter in the pub,“Waiter,please give some fish to my horse” The waiter asks,“Can you horse eat fish?” The old man says,“Yes.it can sing and dance .it can do a lot of things.So I always give it fish to eat.” Then the waiter takes some fish out.Many people in the pub go out to see the old man’s horse.Then the old man sits near the fire to keep warm A MOMENT LATER THE WAIT COMES IN AND SAYS,“your horse doesn’t eat the fish.” The old man says,“Really?Maybe it’s not so hungry.OK please bring the fish to me and I’ll eat it.”

度假的英语短文.1.上周6你和你的父母道武当山度假2.天气晴朗,虽然有点热,但是玩的很开心3在那里吃了当地的特色菜.4那儿的的人对我们都很友好. 假如你是王丹,你上周和父母第一次去西湖度假了.向你在美国的笔友介绍你的度假经历.写一篇英语作文. 翻译:上周我去了重庆.你呢?琳达和她的父母要去海南度假. 用英语写一篇短文:假设你是王丹,上周你第一次和父母去西湖度假,介绍你的经历.用到:Time:Last weekPlace: West Lake Activities:Go sightseeing .take a ride .climb the mountain印象:beautiful .clean and quiet顺便 关于度假的英语作文以My Vacation为题写一篇短文描写你的假期文章必须包含以下要点:时间:上周天气:很好地点:北京人物:你和你的家人经历:游览了很多地方吃了很多食物.有个旅客丢 写一篇英语作文 假如你Mary,上周和家人在三亚度假.请给你的好友Dick写一封信,介绍你们在那里的情况.写一篇英语作文假如你Mary,上周和家人在三亚度假.请给你的好友Dick写一封信,介绍你们在 以你和你父母之间的一件事,写一篇英语短文.80词以上 写一篇关于国庆度假的英语作文.国庆节即将来到,你们会有7天假.简要谈谈你父母亲和你打算怎样去度假. 介绍你的父母并把它写下来(英语短文 ) 写一张英语明信片给你的父母,告诉他们你在北京度假的情况英语作文,80字数 作文:假如你叫Lucy,上周和家人在三亚度假,请给你的好朋友Jim写一封信,介绍你们在那里的情况 一道初二英语作文题你要和你的父母去度假,你要给TOM留便条,叫他帮你照顾你家的猫和金鱼.意思差不多就行.单词数可以不多. 假如你上周参加了Ann的生日聚会,请用英语写一篇短文,叙述有关情况包括时间、地点和参加人员;生日礼物和聚会过程 如果是你和你的家人度假的照片,写一篇英语段文 求一篇关于父母的英语短文,要求1.父母身体状况,2.父母性格特点3.父母对你的影响 根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文寒假你准备去海南度假.你将和你的父母乘飞机去.你们准备在哪呆上一周,计划去海滩,去钓鱼,还要去观光旅游,品尝可口的海南食品,并且还可以交的一 你和你的父母相处的怎么样英语 你上周在哪儿?在野营基地.的英语怎么说