一道IMO试题Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse c is givenif it is known that the median from the right angle equals the geometricmean of the remaining two sides of the triangle

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:45:08

一道IMO试题Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse c is givenif it is known that the median from the right angle equals the geometricmean of the remaining two sides of the triangle
Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse c is given
if it is known that the median from the right angle equals the geometric
mean of the remaining two sides of the triangle

一道IMO试题Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse c is givenif it is known that the median from the right angle equals the geometricmean of the remaining two sides of the triangle
Analysis.Let a and b be the other two sides of the triangle.From the
conditions of the problem we have c2 = a2 +b2 and c/2=

ab ⇔ 3/2c2 =
a2+b2+2ab =(a+b)2 ⇔ 3/2c = a+b.Given a desired ABC let D be
a point on (AC such that CD = CB.In that case,AD = a+b = 3/2c,
and also,since BC = CD,it follows that ∠ADB =45◦.
Construction.From a segment of length c we elementarily construct a
segment AD of length 3/2 c.Wethenconstructaray(DX such that
∠ADX =45◦ and a circle k(A,c) that intersects the ray at point B.
Finally,we construct the perpendicular from B to AD;point C is the
foot of that perpendicular.
Proof.It holds that AB = c,and,since CB = CD,it also holds that AC+
CB = AC +CD = AD = 3/2 c.From this it follows that

AC • CB =
c/2.Since BC is perpendicular to AD,it follows that BCA =90◦.Thus
ABC is the desired triangle.
Discussion.Since AB
√2c> 3/2 c = AD > AB,thecircle k
intersects the ray DX in exactly two points,which correspond to two
symmetric solutions.

一道IMO试题Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse c is givenif it is known that the median from the right angle equals the geometricmean of the remaining two sides of the triangle 什么是IMO试题? imo 关于IMO(国际数学奥林匹克竞赛)对于数学系本科毕业生回过头来做IMO(国际数学奥林匹克竞赛)试题,结果如何的两种说法:A站在高等数学的高度俯视初等数学的难题,简直小菜一碟!因为是 问一道IMO的题如图,重点解释红色划线部分: 历届IMO CMO试题最好是全的如何注册?吹雪? unable to construct a Datum from the specified IMO是什么意思 imo cargo 一道小学试题 一道博弈论试题, 一道二重积分试题求解, 一道自动控制试题, construct way 一道IMO几何题求解在△ABC中,∠A=100°,∠B=30°,D是边AB上的一点,AD=AC,求证:AB=CD 一道集合试题已知集合A={X属于R/m的平方X的平方-n=0},试探究的当m,n满足什么条件时,集合A是有限集,无限集,空集?可不可以详细点 IMO试题,帮帮忙啊!设A、B、C、D、E五点中,四边形ABCD是平行四边形,四边形BCED是圆内接四边形.设l是通过点A的一条直线,l与线段DC交于点F(F是线段DC的内点),且l与直线BC交于点G.若EF=EG=EC,求 国际数学奥林匹克是高中的还是初中的?这是第6届IMO的两道试题1.(a) 求所有正整数 n 使得 2n - 1 能被 7整除; (b) 求证不存在正整数 n 使得 2n + 1 能被 7 整除.2.假设a、b、c是某三角形的三边长,