求七年级下册英语重点短语人教版 新目标

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求七年级下册英语重点短语人教版 新目标
求七年级下册英语重点短语人教版 新目标

求七年级下册英语重点短语人教版 新目标
1.Where is your pen pal from?
--He’s from Australia.
=Where does your pen
pal come from?
-- He comes from Japan.
Where are you from?
--I’m from
the United States.
2.Where does she live?
--She lives in Paris.
language does he speak?
--He speaks French.
4.Where is Toronto?
--It’s in Canada.
Unit 2
1.Is there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)?
there is.It’s on Center Street.
No,there isn’t.
2.Where’s the
--It’s across from the post office.
3.Go straight down New
Street and turn right.
4.Turn left at Bridge Street.
5.There’s a pay phone
on your left.
Unit 3
1.Let’s see the koalas.
--Why do you like
--Because they’re very cute.
2.Why does he like
--Because they’re kind of interesting.
3.Where’re lions
-- They’re from South Africa.
4.What (other) animals do you like.
--I like dolphins.
1.What does she do?/ What’s her job?
/What’s she?
is a doctor/reporter/bank clerk/waiter…
2.What do you do?
–I’m a shop
3.Where does she work?
She works in a hospital/TV
4.What does she want to be
-- She wants to be
a policewoman.
5.Why does he want to be a policewoman?
--Because it’s an
exciting job.
Unit 5
1.What are you doing?—I’m watching TV.
2.What is he/she
doing?—He/She is cleaning.
3.-What are they doing?
-They’re talking on
the phone
4.Is Nancy doing homework?
--No,she isn’t.She’s writing a
5.-Do you want to go to the movies?
--Yes,I do./Sure./That
sounds good.
6.When do you want to go
--Let’s go at 8:00.
7.Where is he
eating dinner?(现在进行时)
--He’s eating dinner at home.
8.-Where do people
play basketball?(一般现在时)
--They play basketball at school.
Unit 6
1.How’s the weather in Jiaxing?
=What’s the weather like
in Jiaxing?
---It’s sunny and hot.(windy and cool)
2.How’s it
--Pretty good/Great/Not bad/Terrible/Just so-so.
3.What do you do
when it’s raining?
--I stay at home and read a book
5..V-ing 变化规则:
Unit 7
1.short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发
3.look like:看起来象
4.the captain of the basketball
5.be a little bit quiet:有点儿少言寡语
6.stop doing sth.:停止做某事
7.like playing chess :喜欢下棋
8.wear glasses:戴眼镜
9.a pop singer:一个流行歌手
10.a new look:一个新的形象
11.black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金黄色的头发
13.a woman with long black hair:一个有着长长金发的妇女
1.What kind of:哪一种
2.would like sth.:想要某东西
small/medium/large bowl of noodles:
4.orange juice:桔子汁
5.green tea:绿茶
6.a dumpling house/House of sumplings:
7.phone number:电话号码
8.tomato soup:西红柿汤
Unit 9
1.do one’s homework:做家庭作业
2.play soccer:踢足球
one’s room:打扫某人的房间
4.go to the beach:去海滩
5.play tennis:打网球
6.go to
the movies:去看电影
7.last weekend:上周末
8.do some reading:阅读
10.study for the match test:为数学考试准备 11.last week :上周
Saturday morning :在星期六的早晨
13.a talk show:一个谈话节目
14.go for a walk:去散步
15.a nice day:晴朗的一天
16.play with:与…一起玩
17.a busy weekend:一个繁忙的周末
18.look for:寻找
19.watch a movie:看电影
20.It’s time to do
1.visit sb.拜访某人

Unit1where’s your pen pal from? 短语:
1、 来自….. be from/come from2、住在….live in 3、 在某个国家….in+国家名称4、在几月份….in+月份 5、说某种语言….speak+语言6、喜欢做某事…like doing /to do sth 7、给….写信 write to sb8、在周末….on weekend 重点句型课...


Unit1where’s your pen pal from? 短语:
1、 来自….. be from/come from2、住在….live in 3、 在某个国家….in+国家名称4、在几月份….in+月份 5、说某种语言….speak+语言6、喜欢做某事…like doing /to do sth 7、给….写信 write to sb8、在周末….on weekend 重点句型课本已标出。
Unit2where’s the post office? (本单元着重学习介词) 1、在街上….on the street2、在附近…in the neighborhood 3、直走….go straight4、向某个方向转…..turn+方向 5、散步….take a walk6、….的开始 the beginning of7、弹奏某种乐器….play+the+乐器8、打算做某事….be going to do9、去往….的路 the wayto…10、在左/右边…on the left/right 11、沿着…往下走…. go down+地名12、穿过….go through 写作重点句型:(学会这样的表达方式)
1、Next to the hotel is a small house withan interesting garden.(用with 表示有….,附带…)
靠近旅店的是一个附带着着有趣花园的小房子。 造句:①有着大操场的学校.②有着美丽花朵的花园 2、I hope you have a good trip. 我希望你有个愉快的旅行。Unit 3Why do you like koalas?
1、首先….first2、有点….kind of
3、和….一起玩 play with4、在某个阶段….during+时间段 5、在夜里…at night6、起床….get up
7、介绍某样东西… This is/that is….(单数)These /those are复数 Unit4I want to bean actor. 1、和…一起工作 work with
2、给某人某物 give sb sth /give sth to sb3、在白天 in the day4、出去… go out
5、工作很晚…work late6、工作很辛苦…work hard ………………《只为助人,不为名利。
