第50题 (2) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?A、do you do B、are you going to do C、are you doing D、will you have done

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:34:08

第50题 (2) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?A、do you do B、are you going to do C、are you doing D、will you have done
第50题 (2) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?
A、do you do
B、are you going to do
C、are you doing
D、will you have done

第50题 (2) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?A、do you do B、are you going to do C、are you doing D、will you have done
因为after you finish your study in college
be going to do = will to do
D、will you have done 无需用完成时


be going to do sth 和will do sth 一样是构成将来时态的,所以选B



第2题 (2.0) 分 Not until Mr.Smith came to China() what kind of a country 第2题 (2.0) 分 Not until Mr.Smith came to China() what kind of a country she is.A、did he know 第50题 (2) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?A、do you do B、are you going to do C、are you doing D、will you have done 我就不写了,知情者回答第1大题(最好2也答),不知情的看:第2大题:What's the weather like in spring?What colour are the leaves in summer?What can people do in winter?全回答这家5分(上面不写,浪费) 大学英语精读(2)(题目,第21题 (3.0) 分 __________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.A、That ...whatB、What ...whereC、What ...thatD、That ...where第22题 (1.0) 分 There is a ________ of two 2010秋电大英语I(1)作业答案第1题:-How old is the manager?-He is 35 years old.(1分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、 第2题:-What do they do?-They work in a bank.(1分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、 第3题:-Would you like some cris 第41题 (2.0) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?第41题 (2.0) 分 What() after you finish your study in college?A、do you do B、are you going to do C、are you doing D、will you have done 第42题 (2.0) 分 Last summer I 初中数学,第17题,求AF最小值,求过程 单选题 第1题 (2.0) 分 If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,() great it is.A、what B、how C、however D、whatever 第2题 (2.0) 分 Dark glasses are sometimes worn to() the eyes from strong sunlight.A、prevent 五、业务题(第1题10分,第2、3题各20分,共50分) 1、某企业生产甲产品由三道工序制成.原材料陆续投入. 五、业务题(第1题10分,第2、3题各20分,共50分) 1、某企业生产甲产品由三道工序制成.原材料陆续投入. 寒假英语作文2篇.写好给50分,要求不少60字.第1:MY WISH1:what is your wish2:why is it your wish3:what will you do to make your wish come ture第2:when i met a difficulty1:what difficulty did you meet2:describe how you faced and overcam 西游记 分三部分 前七回写what?第八至十二写what?第 第1题 (2.5) 分 The difference was ________ cross the river.A、where to B、how to C、what to D、which to 第2题 (2.5) 分 — Let’s have a party in our department.— _________ .A、All right B、Good idea C、Very good D、I like 第3题 (2 已知:如图,AB=AC,AE=AF,AE⊥EC,AF⊥BF,则∠1=∠2吗七年级下学期暑假作业上63页的第2小题, 大学英语(二)第2次网上作业1 求高手帮忙解答~一、单项选择题.本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分.在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.—What a poor job I’ve done!—_______ 一道数学证明题!(图自己画下!3Q)已知四边形ABCD是平行四边形,E,F是CD上的两点,(E在左边一点点,F在右边一点点)连接BE,AF相交于点M(1)△MEF∽△MBA(2)若AF、BE分别是∠DAB、∠CBA的平分线, 一道几何题,以代图,在梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,BC=2AD,F,G分别是BC,CD的中点,连接AF,FC,过点D做DE平行GF叫AF与点E(1)证明△AED全等于△CGF(2)若梯形ABCD为直角梯形,判断四边形DEFC是什么特殊的四边形?