
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:29:47
帮我翻译几句英文,to,wonderful,delivered,a,they,the Chinese people,new year present 初一读书笔记怎么写?老师留了两篇读书笔记,但是没有说格式,应该怎么写,格式是什么.是类似读后感写成作文 还是摘抄好词好句,然后简单写感受?到底怎么写啊?急!最好再来一篇范文 初一读书笔记要怎样写《童年》《鲁宾逊漂流记》《昆虫记》 给个大概,不用都打出来 初一的读书笔记大概要写什么的? 弼到百的过程组成成语是? help translate to chineseif I answer you quickly do the transfer now.I lack the address,country and the city dame money and watch you send email yesterday.And if I pay tax Who can help me translate the sentence as followings to chinese?Thanks!But instead of serving up a plate full of feel-good gospel to the faithful before him,he challenged the audience later in his speech. help me to translate it~thanksthe buyer agrees to accept in settlement thereof the same percentage of allowance as the seller may secure from the insurers by way of settlement or recovery. Please help translate the following sentence to Chinese which showed in a product drawing.Thanks!Dimensions refer to an envelope defined by the tolerance along the entire size of a feature. 新中国辉煌成就的图片(结合资料) Help to translate into ChineseI was used to tidy living rooms that seemed to whisper,“not to be touched!” 念→(有口无心)→念 百→( )→弼 忡→( )→性 could you help me with it?能改成could you help me with my Chinese?不然怎么改? 不要看完就不管,帮我的人我祝你2010年全家平安,幸福!不帮的人.也同样把,希望能帮我,1.已知A-B=3X²-2X-1,B-C=4-2X²,则C-A=( )2.多项式:X³-3X²Y-3XY²+Y³是按照( )的升幂排列.3. 1.已知多项式(2ax²-x²+3x+2)-(5x²-4x²+3x)的值与X无关,试求2a³-[3a²+(4a-5)+a]的值2.已知(a+b)²+ |2b-1| =0,求 ab-[2ab-3(ab-1)]的值3.一个3位数,十位数字是a-2,个位数字比十位数字的3倍 甲数的乙数的1.2倍,乙数比甲数少( )% 中国文化 议论文中国文化中有一种有意思的现象,有这么一句话“威武不能屈,富贵不能淫”,又有“大丈夫能屈能伸”“好汉不吃眼前亏”;有“君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚”,又有“见人只说三 大神们帮帮小弟做个题(解题过程发到 A54A321@163.com )用光束传输法计算阶跃光纤的等效折射率Neff.已知纤芯的材料折射率为1.4457,包层的材料折射率为1.4378,纤芯的直径为10um,包层的直径为125um, 小弟在这里给跪了Passage1Television carries more national advertising than any other in the United States.The same is true in some smaller countries such as Spain and Portugal,where it is the only medium reaching a general national audience.In 有十个乒乓球,要把它分别装入四个盒子里,每个盒子里必须装三个,请问怎么装? 把十个乒乓球放入三个盒子,使每个盒子里乒乓球个数都是奇数 数学中的反比例函数有怎么样的学习技巧求大神帮助关于图象的 我们应该怎样做一个文明的人?议论文 以“文明”为话题的议论文?如题 谢谢了 《花木兰》中叠词的表达效果是? 用几个词来形容花木兰 散文化议论文到底是不是议论文,体裁如果是议论文写成散文化的会怎样? What is the matter with your friend?怎么改成同义句? 幸运星个数代表什么意思 幸运星数量的意义拜托各位了 3Q 检验报告显示: a-地中海贫血2基因(3.7/4.2)基因缺失(3.7型),a-地贫2基因杂合子(-a/aa) 求解答a-地中海贫血1基因(SEA)未检测到缺失.B-地中海贫血基因分型(17种突变)未检测到突变 地中海贫血基因检测报告为检测到a珠蛋白基因—a4.2和——SEA缺失,实验结果提示为HBH病,