关于年的传说 英文版!给个6年纪的水平的!剪短些!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:47:41

关于年的传说 英文版!给个6年纪的水平的!剪短些!
关于年的传说 英文版!

关于年的传说 英文版!给个6年纪的水平的!剪短些!
  英文是:According to legend,the Chinese in ancient times there was a called "Year" monster,head length antennae,ferocious."Year" for many years stayed indoors and the sea,every New Year's Eve only to climb cliffs,and devour livestock lethal.Therefore,every New Year's Eve this day,people young and old stockaded village fled to the mountains to escape the "Year" animal damage.
  This New Year's Eve,peach village people are young and old mountain refuge,from the village outside of the one begging the elderly,saw him Shouzhu crutches,arm take the bag pouch,silver to be elegant,head if the Lang-Xing.Some folks have sealed windows locked,and some packed up,and some cows sheep everywhere,people are crying masi,a rush to panic scene.At this time,who determined to take care of the elderly people begging.; Only the Village Head to the old one old lady some food,and advised him to escape into the mountains soon,"" The beast,the old man ÞÛ beard smiled:"If her mother let me stay at home one night,I have to put 'years' beast Nian away ." Frightened old lady head a closer look,to see him Hefatongyan,hale and hearty,Qi Yu extraordinary.But she continued to persuade them,begging for the elderly just laughed language.Mother had no option but leaving home,went up the mountain refuge.
  Middle of the night,"" The beast broke into the village.It found that the village atmosphere,unlike in previous years:Village head old lady at home,the door paste large red paper,brightly lit candle inside."" The beast whole body Yi Dou,Guaijiao a cry."Year" towards her mother-house glared at a moment,then barking a rush in the past.Close to the door,the hospital suddenly heard "pop pops" and deep-fried sound,"year" and trembling,and then not forward scrape together.It turned out that "year" are most afraid of red,fire and exploding.At this time,my mother's house door wide open,I saw one wearing Dahongpao old hospital laughter."Year" scaring the daylights out,jump up in panic to escape.
  The next day was the first month started this refuge for people to come back safe and sound very surprised to see the village.At this time,the old lady double take,and hastened to tell the folks were begging for the elderly promise.Villagers together flocking to the old lady at home,we saw red paper stuck on the mother house and the courtyard is a pile of unburnt bamboo still "pops" exploding inside,Jigen red candles is also made with peripheral vision ......; delight Ruokuang the villagers to celebrate the arrival of good luck,have a new hat for wearing new clothes,to the relatives and friends Daoxi hello.This incident soon spread around the village,people are aware of the eviction,"" The beast approach.
  From then on New Year's Eve every year,every household paste red couplets,firecrackers; every household brightly lit candle,put on probation is more to be old.Who started this morning,the pro-string friends Daoxi to go say hello.This customs have spread and became the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festival "New Year."