
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:50:23


Honey,do you still remember the date:January 1st,2009?It's July 11th,2008,we've been lovers so far and we have a bright future for our love.Your honey apply to this asocciation for my vow:Neither you lose your careers nor get into a huff,I'll love you forever,be honest to you,ever and forever.

Boa Miss. You will recall that on January 11, 2008?, Is now July 11, 2008, we have love, love is a beautiful future. Your baby to the Association for notarization, and you swear: Whether or Shuapi Qi Baby unemployed, he will, as always, love you, loyal to you, forever.

Miss BoA,
Do you remember January 11th, 2008? It's July 11th, 2008 now. We've been in love till now and will have a bright future. Your sweetheart hereby apply for notarization from the Associatio...


Miss BoA,
Do you remember January 11th, 2008? It's July 11th, 2008 now. We've been in love till now and will have a bright future. Your sweetheart hereby apply for notarization from the Association, and swear to you that no matter that you are unemployed or losing your temper, I will be loving you and faithful to you till death do us apart.


Miss bao, Do you still remember the date of Jan ,11, 2008? Today is already Jul 11,2008. Our love till now has a bright future.Your babay apply to notarize to our associtaion and swear to you: no matter you are loss job or temper on him, he will love you runing true to form and be faithful to you forever.

My dear:
do you remember the day november 1st2008, and now it's july 11th 2008,we've been in love from then till now, the future of our love is very bloooming , your sweatheart here are apply...


My dear:
do you remember the day november 1st2008, and now it's july 11th 2008,we've been in love from then till now, the future of our love is very bloooming , your sweatheart here are applying to the guild for notarization,and swear to you :
whether my baby is out of job or in temper, he wil always love you ,cling to you ,till the end of the world


英语翻译宝儿小姐.你还记得2008年1月11日吗,现在已经是2008年7月11日了,我们相恋至今,爱情前程非常美好.你的宝贝向本协会申请公证,并向你宣誓:无论宝贝失业还是耍脾气,他都会一如既往地 英语翻译KELLY小姐:祝你圣诞节生1000个鸡蛋,100个鸭蛋,10个鹅蛋.祝你越长越漂亮,越长越美丽.祝你越长越可爱,越长越聪明.2008年.12月.25日ROSE 你还记得2012年6月6号那一天吗?用英语怎么说? 英语翻译:一直在等你,你还记得吗? 英语翻译樱花小姐,可是。我还需要3a的课文内容诶。如果你方便的话,麻烦回答下吧! 你还记得我们的约定吗?用英语翻译 英语翻译写给你的 ...你还记得我吗... 求英语翻译:两年了,你已经走了两年,你还记得曾经许下的承诺,三年为限,我还有一个月,可你的期限已经到了,两年我见了你六次,每天想念你,为你牵挂,每天幻想着美好,可是现在,你叫我很失 英语翻译你还记得曾经问过的有趣的问题吗?你还记得曾经看过的卡通吗?你还记得第一次撒谎时的脸红心跳吗?你还记得那些陪你玩耍的朋友吗?你还记得你们一起度过的童年吗吗?你,还记得?求 这个你还记得吗 在你心里,你还记得曾经的时光吗 英语翻译 用英语翻译“小姐”这个词? 英语翻译:先生们,小姐们. 季小姐的英语翻译 2012年9月1日雅思谁还记得那天判断题是True or false还是yesno 英语翻译1、事实上,我真的很想你.2、你过得怎样、还记得我么?求这两句的英文.谢.另外、麻烦快一点.谢. 叔叔 你过得好吗 快乐吗 是否还记得丫头呢 用英语翻译 用英语翻译“你还记得小时候家乡的样子吗”要地道