
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:49:35


Abstract With the global economic integration and development of market economy,risk management has been gradually introduced a listed company of China's enterprises,especially in the operation and management,risk management,companies can determine the success or failure of a market economy in a complex environment,to do bigger and strong and excellent.在上市公司的风险管理中,严格规范的内部审计能以其特有职能发挥积极的防控风险的重要作用.The listed company's risk management,strictly regulate the internal audit function can play a positive and unique in its prevention and control of the risk of an important role.在国外,美国“安然公司”、“世通公司”假账案情浮出水面后,纽约证券交易所新发布“上市公司诚信声明”,进一步强调了上市公司必须建立内部审计制度的要求;在国内,通过近年来银广厦、蓝田、德隆、中航油等案件的陆续发生,尤其是自09年3月发生的华伦掏空事件以来,上市公司的高管层也已认识到,内部审计是上市公司防控经营风险的一大有效手段,建立内部审计是维护上市公司公众形象的一项重要制度.In other countries,the United States,"Enron","WorldCom" cook the books after the case surfaced,the New York Stock Exchange,new release,"listed company declaration of good faith," which further emphasized the listed companies must establish internal audit system requirements; in the domestic Through recent years,silver Guangsha,Lam Tin,Delong,CAO and other cases have been incidents,particularly since the March 2009 incident occurred in Warren emptied since the senior management of listed companies has also been recognized that the internal a listed company audit is a major business risk prevention and control of an effective means to establish internal audit is to safeguard the public image of a listed company is an important system.围绕华伦掏空事件前后,随着调查的深入,一段四川金顶尘封的掏空史再度还原:优质资产金蝉脱壳;借道重庆国投;古松其人,嘉华其事;套利连环扣;上市:盛宴还是梦魇?Warren hollowed out around the events before and after,as the investigation deepens,the hollowed out section of Sichuan Golden Summit dusty history of the re-reduction:high-quality assets,withdraw its role; route through Chongqing International Trust and Investment; ancient pines of its people,Ka Wah matter; arbitrage chain buckle; Listing:feast or a nightmare?早在2006年国资委发布了《中央企业全面风险管理指引》,以及近期证监委相关政策的出台,“风险管理时代”似乎已经来临,华伦如此一步步陨落掏空,留给我们的思考—--上市公司风险管控任重而道远!As early as 2006,the SASAC issued a "central enterprise-wide risk management guidelines",and the recent introduction of the SFC committee related policies,"Risk Management era" seems to have come,such a step by step,Warren fall of hollowed out,leaving us in our thinking -- - Risk management and control of listed companies long way to go!
【关键字】上市公司;风险管理;华伦掏空事件 【Keywords】 listed company; risk management; Warren emptied events

Abstract With the global economic integration and development of market economy, risk management has been gradually introduced a listed company of China's enterprises, especially in the operation and ...


Abstract With the global economic integration and development of market economy, risk management has been gradually introduced a listed company of China's enterprises, especially in the operation and management, risk management, companies can determine the success or failure of a market economy in a complex environment, to do bigger and strong and excellent. The listed company's risk management, strictly regulate the internal audit function can play a positive and unique in its prevention and control of the risk of an important role. In other countries, the United States, "Enron", "WorldCom" cook the books after the case surfaced, the New York Stock Exchange, new release, "listed company declaration of good faith," which further emphasized the listed companies must establish internal audit system requirements; in the domestic Through recent years, silver Guangsha, Lam Tin, Delong, CAO and other cases have been incidents, particularly since the March 2009 incident occurred in Warren emptied since the senior management of listed companies has also been recognized that the internal a listed company audit is a major business risk prevention and control of an effective means to establish internal audit is to safeguard the public image of a listed company is an important system. Warren hollowed out around the events before and after, as the investigation deepens, the hollowed out section of Sichuan Golden Summit dusty history of the re-reduction: high-quality assets, withdraw its role; route through Chongqing International Trust and Investment; ancient pines of its people, Ka Wah matter; arbitrage chain buckle; Listing: feast or a nightmare? As early as 2006, the SASAC issued a "central enterprise-wide risk management guidelines", and the recent introduction of the SFC committee related policies, "Risk Management era" seems to have come, such a step by step, Warren fall of hollowed out, leaving us in our thinking -- - Risk management and control of listed companies long way to go!


英语翻译【摘要】随着全球经济一体化和市场经济的发展,风险管理已逐步引入我国企业特别是上市公司的经营管理中,风险管理的成败决定上市公司能否在复杂的市场经济环境中做大做强做 英语翻译【摘要】随着全球经济一体化和市场经济的发展,风险管理已逐步引入我国企业特别是上市公司的经营管理中,风险管理的成败决定上市公司能否在复杂的市场经济环境中做大做强做 英语翻译国际贸易中的技术壁垒研究【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加深,关税壁垒的作用将越来越弱,而以颁布技术法规、推行技术标准、实施、认证制度和检验制度等技术性措施 英语翻译摘要:随着经济的不断发展,全球化是社会发展的必然结果.中国加入世界贸易组织后,其经济发展已融入全球经济一体化的进程.这就赋予了人们更多的机遇在商贸经济各领域进行广泛 英语翻译摘要:随着全球经济一体化的发展,特别是我国加入WTO以后,企业不可避免地要参与国际市场竞争。目前很多企业会计信息出现会计信息失真.侵害会计信息使用者的利益,会计监 帮我翻译下摘要,汉译英!随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加深,关税壁垒的作用将越来越弱,而以颁布技术法规、推行技术标准、实施认证制度和检验制度等技术性措施为主要内容的技术性贸易 英语翻译论文摘要:数控机床作为自动化设备正被越来越普遍地采用,而数控编程技术则是一门集综合性、实践性和灵活性于一体的专业课程.我国制造业正面临着市场全球化、经济一体化的 20世纪90年代以来,随着全球经济一体化、信息技术和互联网技术的迅速发展,整个世界进入了知识经济时代, 英语翻译口岸是国家的门户,口岸功能的强弱和运行效率的高低,对一个国家和地区的经济发展以及社会繁荣至关重要.特别是随着全球经济一体化和贸易自由化进程的加速发展,口岸管理体制是 英语翻译21世纪是信息经济的时代.随着全球经济一体化和我国市场经济体制的不断完善,特别是加入WTO后,国际分工和生产社会化的程度进一步提高,从我国近几年对会计的不断改革以及“十二 英语翻译随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,市场竞争不断激烈,为了取得竞争上的优势,企业充分利用第三方物流服务供应商提供的所有服务,物流业务外包服务正逐步被社会认识、了解、认可和 英语翻译随着现代经济快速发展,全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,内部控制逐渐成为各国企业和会计学家非常关注的重要问题.近些年来,在我国市场经济浪潮之中,内部控制越来越受到企业的 英语翻译中国加入WTO之后,随着现代科学技术的发展和全球经济一体化步伐的加快,要求我国物流发展中,要时刻紧跟上如今这信息技术飞速发展的步伐,虽然我国钢铁行业经过多年的建设,已具 麻烦英语专业的高手,修改英文摘要.摘要:伴随着世界经济一体化,我国经济已大程度地融入世界经济潮流.随着外商在华投资与日俱增和我国本土企业对外经贸联系的日益加强,不同层次的跨 全球经济一体化概念? 什么叫全球经济一体化 什么是全球经济一体化 用英语翻译下面一段,论文用的.摘要:随着世界经济一体化和区域集团化的不断加深,各国之间的经济联系和贸易交往也日益增加.传统的贸易保护主义不能适应新时代的要求.需要一种更隐蔽,