
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 17:57:52


Now when I think of you,there is only irritation,as if we haven't met in centuries.You are within my memories,and not life anymore.If this is really how things are(If this is really so),I would rather live in your memories only.At least when I see you in life,my heart won't feel pain.

I'm agitated even to remember you, it seems we havent meet for centuries, you are already in my memory, not in the life, if so, I'd rather live only in your memory, at least I can see you in the life and wouldn't hurt my heart.


Now even remembers you are agitated, it seems we centuries didn't meet, you are already in my memory, not in the life, if so, I'd rather live only in your memory, at least life sees you, I wouldn't heartache.

Now even think of you are uneasy, as if we had not seen for many years, you are already in my mind, not life, and if so, I would rather live in your memory, at least to see you in life, I will not heartache.

Now even missing you makes me fretful, as if we had been separated for numerous centuries, and you were living deep inside my memory instead of my life. If so, I wish myself lived in your mind; so at least, I would not feel heartbroken any more on seeing you in my life.

楼上上有comma splice哦,这么长的一段话,翻译成英文怎么可能除了最后全是逗号.....

Everytime I think of you, I get really irritated as if we haven't seen each other in centuries. You are no longer in my present life but in my memories. If that is true, then I prefer to be in your memories because it hurts to much to see you in person.

翻译英文,语法一定要标准的美式英语,不要用中文翻译现在连想起你都是烦躁,好像我们几个世纪没见面,你已经是在我记忆里,不是在生活里了,如果真是这样,我宁愿只活在你的记忆中,起码生 英语翻译我不要照字翻译,要标准的美式英语,网络搜索的谚语不相干的不要,符合标准的标注说明. 拜求英式英语与美式英语的不同,一定要英文版的 求“上门提货”与“送货上门”的标准美式英文翻译,解释翻译出来的英文的区别. 心碎了,彻彻底底.英文标准翻译,或者美式口语 英语翻译一定要官方标准的,不要自己或软件翻译! 英语翻译不要工具翻译,一定要语法正确, 短篇英文神话故事要短一点的,不超过15局,也可以是中国的神话故事,翻译一定要正确哦~语法不要太复杂啦~大概就是新概念英语二册的水平~亲们,请快一点哦! 美国万岁 美式英文怎么说?不要百度 GOOGLE的翻译哈 英语翻译钻石人生 第一季 译成英文,要按美式英语习惯翻译,不要按字面翻译 求一封英文感谢信内容就是感谢父母 少点 不要太多 我学的美式英语 写好了翻译一下 今天晚上9点之前交 翻译:美式英语和英式英语都是英语的方言'他们都有一个公认的标准形式 想象力不足用英文怎样表达一定要标准,地道,不要那种中文式英语. 庄子的英文介绍美式英语 英语翻译求翻译英文一定要准确,不要原版的,娱乐 便利店英文怎么说?(要标准的美式答案) 要么就是在英语国家生活过的 或者英语水平很棒的朋友来翻译 谢绝词典翻译和或者直译. 求美式英语的俚语,越多越好英文和其翻译都要 英语翻译比较标准的英文,不要那种自动翻译的!