21世纪英语报高二526期答案quiz time的答案…2013-2014,高二,第三期,即9.16日那期

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21世纪英语报高二526期答案quiz time的答案…2013-2014,高二,第三期,即9.16日那期
quiz time的答案…2013-2014,高二,第三期,即9.16日那期

21世纪英语报高二526期答案quiz time的答案…2013-2014,高二,第三期,即9.16日那期
D1 1-4 ABBC
D2 1.landscape 2.north 3.natural 4.culture 5.politics 6.traditional 7.highlight 8.future 9.hosting 10.economy
D3 1-4 ACAD
D4 1-4 DBDB
D5 1-5 CACBC 6-10 BAADA
1.A.根据原文第二段第一句Before I came to the US,I had never thought about how horrible an environment class would be without any females.,参照第一段内容可知,作者举出冰心的名言和关于女生的笑话,很显然是为了让人们关注对于男生和女生不同的看法,为后文介绍自己在美国男校的学习生活经历作铺垫.
2.B.become accustomed to表示“适应”的意思.后文However,things changed after I experienced high school here.中change一词与该短语相互照应.
3.B.上下文分别提到no one races to show himself off in front of the girls he likes和we quickly make peace,可见男校的学生能够更淡定地面对生活,不会为争面子或者一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事而大打出手了.Split hairs这个短语表示的意思就是“为了琐事而争执”.
4.C.根据Fewer arguments over petty (细枝末节的) things and more peaceful relationships with classmates; less thinking about trying to attract girls and more attention to the development of our hobbies可知男校的环境让学生们能够更专心地学习并发展自己的兴趣爱好.
1.A.根据第一段WHEN someone asks you about “artificial (人工的) intelligence”,what comes to your mind?可知,前两段主要是让读者了解人工智能是什么,为接下来的介绍作铺垫.
2.C.根据The company has designed a computer program that is able to answer questions automatically via email.This technology is currently being used by BMW to answer questions from its customers.可知这一计算机系统能够帮助宝马公司更好地处理客户的问题.
4.D.最后一段提到Hundreds of industries (工业) around the world are now planning to use this system.And within five years,it will replace many of the boring jobs that are currently done by humans.结合该句和上面提到的宝马公司的例子,可见人工智能能够提高企业的生产效率,降低成本.
1.D.根据By the time I reached the custom’s office I was sobbing.和While boarding the plane I was still crying.可知作者在机场和妹妹告别的时候很伤心.
2.B.第四段开篇提到Growing up,my sister and I would do everything together.接着举了小时候去阁楼探险的事例,最后做出总结:Whenever one of us needed something,the other one would come along.可见该段主要是讲述了作者和妹妹之间深厚的感情是如何形成的.
3.D.文章提到Only then did I realize that my sister had been keeping a diary for the past month and that she was now passing it on to me.I was to write in it for the next couple of months and then send it back to her.可知妹妹把日记留给姐姐,希望她能够续写下去,和自己相互分享生活中的点滴.
4.B.最后一段It was only when I thought that I had lost my best friend that I realized that she was going to be with me forever.告诉我们,作者一直并且永远会把妹妹当做最好的朋友.两个人的感情是如此深厚,作者对于妹妹必然抱着感激的心.