
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:06:37


D1 1. Because students they give students the chance to learn something exciting.
or Because students they give students a break between required courses.
2. It is disappearing, but Chinese culture lovers are trying to revive it.
3. They come away from this elective not only knowing how to ride a horse gracefully, but also physically fitter!
4. 《人鬼情未了》中著名的陶艺场景是许多电影爱好者的永恒回忆.
1. a/the chance to do 2. be eager to do 3. go through 4. at the risk of 5. get rid of
1. Please give me a chance to explain.
2. He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriend.
3. We went through lots of difficulties when working on this project.
4. He was determined to do it even at the risk of being laughed at.
5. You should get rid of that habit of carelessness you have.
1-5 CCBBB 6-9 AABB 10-14 FTFFT
1. Because students they give students the chance to learn something exciting.
or Because students they give students a break between required courses.
2. It is disappearing, but Chinese culture lovers are trying to revive it.
3. They come away from this elective not only knowing how to ride a horse gracefully, but also physically fitter!
4. 《人鬼情未了》中著名的陶艺场景是许多电影爱好者的永恒回忆.
1. B.细节题,每个人的反应都不同,从“finally being free, being my own person - a change signaled by her new haircut”可知.
2. D.他期待的是结束电影拍摄后开始新的生活,这里Hogwarts指代的是拍电影.
3. A.细节题.从文章倒数第三段可知.
4. C.主旨题.文章主要表达了演员和影迷对于电影终结的各种复杂情感.
1. B.通读全文可知,晚上睡觉有亮光可能会引起抑郁.
2. D.科学家的研究表明,hamsters由于开灯睡觉,体会不到平常爱做的事情的乐趣了,这是抑郁的一个表现.
3. D.行为变化时有体内的化学变化引起的.
4. C.假如动物实验的结果对人类也适用,建议睡在全黑的屋子里.
1. A.父亲问里面装的是什么,很疑惑.
2. C.父亲置之一笑,没有理解女儿给他这些东西里蕴含着对他的爱.
3. C.父亲撒谎说东西还在办公室里,是不想伤害女儿的感情.
4. D.整个故事不止讲父女之间的爱,还进一步推广到要珍惜所有蕴含了爱的东西.
1. a/the chance to do 2. be eager to do 3. go through 4. at the risk of 5. get rid of
1. Please give me a chance to explain.
2. He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriend.
3. We went through lots of difficulties when working on this project.
4. He was determined to do it even at the risk of being laughed at.
5. You should get rid of that habit of carelessness you have.
Dialogue 1
M: Oh, you really like chocolate cakes!
W: Yes, and also candies. But I usually eat fruit after a meal because it’s healthy.
Dialogue 2
M: I’d like a coffee. What about you?
W: Mm…me, too. And the kids will drink coke. But just ask for one bottle. They’ll never finish if they have one each.
M: Orange juice is much better for them. I know, but they always refuse to drink it.
Dialogue 3
W: My brother is eating out with us Saturday night. Any suggestions?
M: It is up to you. I don't know the restaurant around here that well.
Dialogue 4
M: Have you booked a table, madam?
W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two. The name’s Morrison.
M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group. This way, please.
W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose. I can’t stand noisy places. Now, where’s the menu?
M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.
W: On the blackboard? I’m not used to that kind of menu.
M: I’m sorry, madam. But that’s what we always do.
W: I had such a busy afternoon in my office. If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.
Dialogue 5
M: I’ve been reading a book by Michael Pollan on the best food to eat. He thinks the best food is fresh food, from our garden.
W: I know that book. It’s for kids, isn’t it? He has advice to help them eat more healthily.
M: Right. He thinks kids should not eat foods with more than 5 ingredients.
W: He also says that we should avoid foods with too much sugar.
M: Right. He doesn’t like food that is made to last. Natural, healthy food, he says, is food that dies.
W: All this just sounds like common sense.
M: It is. In fact he advises us to judge for ourselves when it comes to food.
In the West, people like to finish a meal with desserts. It is usually a sweet food, but in places like France, cheese is also popular. Common desserts are cakes, cookies, ice cream and fruit.
Western desserts are famous all over the world. They look beautiful and taste delicious. But as people enjoy their after-dinner sweets, some are realizing that it’s time to rethink their eating habits. Too much sweet food can cause health problems.
In China, people usually do not eat desserts after a meal. However, China is home to many dessert foods, like rice balls and moon cakes. It’s hard to name the most famous dessert in China, as people in different places have so many different kinds of desserts