请回答下面补充说明的问题,这是我放假作业.根据后面括号里的单词,完成句子.1:His suggestion (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)2:Somehow I had the strange feeling (他告诉我那些只是为了好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:37:37

请回答下面补充说明的问题,这是我放假作业.根据后面括号里的单词,完成句子.1:His suggestion (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)2:Somehow I had the strange feeling (他告诉我那些只是为了好
1:His suggestion (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)
2:Somehow I had the strange feeling (他告诉我那些只是为了好玩).(fun)
3:He expressed his hope (我会永远保守这个秘密).(keep)
4:John has been ill for several days.It is no wonder (他的英语远远落在别人的后面).(fall)
5:we must face the fact (他的钱快用完了).(run).
6:You wouldn't have the slightest idea (我当时是那么地为你担心).(worry)
7:Finally the decision was made (我们步行去中山公园).(foot).
8:Word came (温总理乘飞机赴地震灾区).(Premier)
9:There is a possibility (粮食价格将会上涨百分之五).(go).
10:Along with the letter was his promise (他会在方便的情况下来看我).(call)
这是学英语报高二(湖北)版第7期 总9470期的报子

请回答下面补充说明的问题,这是我放假作业.根据后面括号里的单词,完成句子.1:His suggestion (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)2:Somehow I had the strange feeling (他告诉我那些只是为了好
1:His suggestion that I should have my own car sounds reasonable.
2:Somehow I had the strange feeling that what he told me was just for fun.
3:He expressed his hope that He would keep the secret for ever.
4:John has been ill for several days.It is no wonder that his English is far falling behind others.
5:we must face the fact that his money will be soon run out.
6:You wouldn't have the slightest idea that I was so worry about you.
7:Finally the decision was made that we went to Zhongshan Park on foot.
8:Word came that Premier Wen went to quake-hit area by plane.
9:There is a possibility that the grain price will go up by 5 percent.
10:Along with the letter was his promise that he would call on me when he is convenient.

1:His suggestion that i should have my own car (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)
2:Somehow I had the strange feeling that he told me these was just for fun (他告诉我那些只是为了好玩).(fun)<...


1:His suggestion that i should have my own car (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)
2:Somehow I had the strange feeling that he told me these was just for fun (他告诉我那些只是为了好玩).(fun)
3:He expressed his hope that i should keep this secret forever (我会永远保守这个秘密).(keep)
4:John has been ill for several days.It is no wonder that his english falls far behind the others (他的英语远远落在别人的后面).(fall)
5:we must face the fact that his money is running over (他的钱快用完了).(run).
6:You wouldn't have the slightest idea that i was worried about you so much then (我当时是那么地为你担心).(worry)
7:Finally the decision was made that we would walk to the zhongshan park (我们步行去中山公园).(foot).
8:Word came that Premier wen flew to earthquake-stricken area (温总理乘飞机赴地震灾区).(Premier)
9:There is a possibility that the price of grain will go up with five percent (粮食价格将会上涨百分之五).(go).
10:Along with the letter was his promise that he would call on me at his convenience (他会在方便的情况下来看我).(call)


请回答下面补充说明的问题,这是我放假作业.根据后面括号里的单词,完成句子.1:His suggestion (我该拥有自己的车子)sounds reasonable.(own)2:Somehow I had the strange feeling (他告诉我那些只是为了好 回答补充说明的问题, 请帮我把下面的补充回答了, 请帮我把下面的补充回答了, 我看到很多人提的问题,不过下面的回答似乎不够完整,我可不可以补充说明,要怎么补充啊, 关于古代汉语的问题下面是我们古代汉语布置的作业,有人能帮忙解答么?回答的好还会再加分,答案请发我 邮 箱 according to the passage 是什么意思?这是我今天的家庭作业.今天回答,明天取消问题了,请会的人立刻回答! 问题我补充全了 上线请帮忙回答下 借作业抄是小事还是大事,还是不算事,顺便理由各位请直接回答我的问题 《六国论》习题解答此《六国论》乃苏洵之六国论!请答题者补充下面两个问题(用原文回答):1.《六国论》的作者认为六国灭亡的根本原因是什么?2.《六国论》中说明齐国灭亡原因的一句 论述注意规律在教学中的应用.请用心理学的角度来回答这问题..这是我要交的作业 请帮忙回答最下面的问题. 你刚回答我问题时说对了!详细信息请看补充说明!三楼 你说对了 我就是原来的2004版崩溃了 就把04删了 然后装的05!我在op 里看了文本编辑器下面那个 我的显示的是“internal” 但我的是中文版 这是一道应用题 请看下面补充 Please快些回答,我明天就要开学了如图,已知平行四边形ABCD的延长线上一点,AP分交BD于点M,N.试说明:AM²=MN×MP. 连接Internet方式有哪几种?请分别举例说明.问题补充:我这个是计算机作业阿!大哥帮帮忙阿! 回答下面的问题,在问题补充说明那里补充下列谚语:前人栽树,________________________,曲不离口.行家看门道,______________把下列歇后语补充完整:门缝里看人----_______________飞机上放鞭炮----_____________ 有些问题没有我要回答的提示比如刚看到一个问题:1月1日放假么这个问题下面都有别人回答的,但没最佳答案.你现在可以在我要回答里搜1月1日放假么,看能否回答,我直接没地方写答案 谁知道《 西江月.井冈山》这首词的意思这是我作业,请回答.