英语翻译While using the simulator,the operator sees thecontainer moving in a virtual world.The virtualworld combined with the motion platform,whichcreates movement effects,gives the operator realworld-like feedback.The surrounding sounds givethe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:28:42

英语翻译While using the simulator,the operator sees thecontainer moving in a virtual world.The virtualworld combined with the motion platform,whichcreates movement effects,gives the operator realworld-like feedback.The surrounding sounds givethe
While using the simulator,the operator sees the
container moving in a virtual world.The virtual
world combined with the motion platform,which
creates movement effects,gives the operator real
world-like feedback.The surrounding sounds give
the final touch to the simulator environment.Besides
the visual feedback,the feedback from the motion
platform is very important in operator training.If
the operator does not feel the accelerations of the
machine system caused by control manoeuvres,the
training may cause operating behaviour that is toofast and harsh as swift operation movements seem
not to cause any physical feedback.When motion
platform feedback is added,the operating behaviour
becomes smoother,because discontinuous control
signals usually cause accelerations unpleasant to
Basically real-time simulators consist of a user
interface,an I/O-system,a real-time simulation
model describing the dynamics of the machine in
question,a visualization of the environment,and a
possible motion platform producing acceleration
effects for the operator.Figure 2 presents the components
required to build a real-time training
Control signals given by the operator are transferred
via the I/O-interface into the dynamic simulation
model.In simulation models,signals can be
treated in several different ways.Simple binary on/
off-signals can be used to launch operation cycles
such as opening or closing the container locking.
Analogue signals can be used to give reference
values for more complicated functions.The
rotational velocity reference of an electric drive is
a good example of the use of analogue signals.
During the study,it became clear that the most
natural way to treat analogue control signals is to
use them as a reference for the calculation of external
forces acting in the system.This way,control signals
seldom cause discontinuities,as the change in force
causes change in system accelerations,which are
integrated twice to solve the position information
of the system.
The position information of separate parts is transferred
into the visualization system,where the virtual
world is drawn.In this case,also the surrounding
sound is controlled by the dynamic model.Sounds
related to different events,such as collisions,the
use of motors,and so on,are played on the basis of
event information gathered from the simulation
model.The information of accelerations affecting
the operator is used in calculating reference values
for the motion platform.An inverse kinematic
model of the motion platform is required to map
the operator’s acceleration information from the
global coordinates to actuator positions and

英语翻译While using the simulator,the operator sees thecontainer moving in a virtual world.The virtualworld combined with the motion platform,whichcreates movement effects,gives the operator realworld-like feedback.The surrounding sounds givethe
从根本上讲,实时模拟器由(下列元件)组成:(a) 一个用户接口(界面),(b) 一个I/O(输入/输出)系统,(c) 一个实时模拟模型(它描述当前使用机器的动力学参数) (d)一个可视化环境,和(e) 一个可行的运动平台(可为操作者产生加速效果).图2所示的是需要组建实时训练模拟器的组件.操作者给出的控制信号会通过I/O(输入/输出)接口转移到动态模拟的模型中.在模拟模型中,人们可以用不同的方法处理信号,简便的二进位开/关信号可以用来发射操作(运行)周期,如打开容器上的锁或关闭容器上的锁等.模拟信号还可以用来为较复杂的功能提供(标准)参考值.电力传动自转速度的参考(值)就是一个应用模拟信号较好的例证.在研究期间,很明显,处理模拟控制信号的最常用的方法是:把信号当作 计算 作用在系统中的外力的 参考值.这样,控制信号就很少引起不连续的现象,这是因为实施进行中的变化会引起系统加速度上的改变,这要进行两次的整合才能解码系统内的位置信息.

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