
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:42:45


Soon after, he caught a strange disease and his right leg became disabled.
Later on, because of an event, it triggered his third stage of life. One night, one of his wheels busted, he thought of his disabilities, and wanted someone else to help him to fix the tire. But then after he knew the person who helped him was an old blind man, he was shocked, and felt ashamed in the way he behaved before. Now, he not only try to make the most out of living, but at the same time, uses his feeble strength to help others.

But soon, he won a disease that can not move the right leg. Later, because one thing he started his third life to-day rainy night his tyres burst, he thought of his own disability, natural for them ...


But soon, he won a disease that can not move the right leg. Later, because one thing he started his third life to-day rainy night his tyres burst, he thought of his own disability, natural for them to help, for the tyres, but when he learned that helping his elderly blind after he was extremely shocked, and for their previous ideas and practices feel ashamed, and now it is not only an active life, and the power to make its own modest wealthy.


英语翻译但不久,他得了一场怪病,右腿不能动了.后来,因为一件事他开始了自己的第三段人生,以天雨夜他的车胎爆了,他想到了自己的残疾,就理所当然的找人帮忙,换了轮胎,但当他得知帮他的 一道思维逻辑题,答对了就可以进IBM了~在一个小村子里住着50个猎人,每一个猎人都有一条猎狗.后来他们的猎狗至少有一条得了怪病,他们要找出病狗并枪毙它.但他们不能观察自己的狗,只能 求下面的内容怎么用词语形容?比如说:某个人得了一种怪病,但必须要找出病源,才能治好这种怪病.用什么形容词来形容这句话啊?比如 “知病治病”啊“对症下药”啊类似的形容词都可以, 英语翻译她第一次得奖她得了一等奖他第一次得了一等奖他第一次就得了一等奖 他死于一场车祸怎么用英语翻译 英语翻译他碰到一场雷阵雨怎么翻译? 英语翻译内容:不久,他就在人群中消失了 他说他明天要组织一场足球赛.(英语翻译) 有一个人得了种怪病:他不快乐,整天都闷闷不乐.一天,他拜见一位智者以讨求良方.智者说只有世界上最好的东西才能让你快乐起来.这个人看了看身边,他发现没有自己觉得最好的东西. 英语翻译他太小了 不能去上学.昨天,李明在演讲比赛上得了第一名你什么时候开始学英语的要准确 必须人工翻译 英语翻译残酷的命运使西农门身遭不幸,但却不能迫使他说谎骗人为什么是lie 他在期末考试中取得了好成绩 英语翻译 他已经取得了快速进步.英语翻译 六个词 他的文章得了100美元的头奖 英语翻译 英语翻译前提是朋友告诉我他得了重感冒 英语翻译StephenHawking是世界上最著名的科学家之一.1942年他出生于美国.当他年轻时,他对科学充满了热情.不幸的是,在他21岁时,他得了一场不可治愈的大病.病后,除了手之外,身体都不能动.后来, 很遗憾他不能来英语翻译 英语翻译 他还不能明辨是非