
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 03:46:08

StephenHawking是世界上最著名的科学家之一.1942年他出生于美国.当他年轻时,他对科学充满了热情.不幸的是,在他21岁时,他得了一场不可治愈的大病.病后,除了手之外,身体都不能动.后来,他能够勇敢的去面对生活的挑战并继续有关宇宙的研究.他的书"A brief History of time"1988年出版并成为当时最畅销的书.他还提出了关于黑洞的理论.我受到StephenHawking的极大鼓舞,人们都认为他是一个充满勇气和信心的人.

Stephen Hakwing ,one of the most distinguished scientists ,was given birth in America ,1942.
He dived into the sea of science in his early ages.Unfortunately ,he caught an irremediable disease ,after which he's almost immobile except for his hands.He finally faced the hard truth afterwards ,and continued his research about the universe.In the year 1988 ,his book "A brief History of Time" was published and instantly become one of the best-sellers.He also put forward theories about the Black Hole.I'm strongly inspired by Stephen Hawking ,and people all take him as someone brave enough and full of faith.