英语翻译奥运就象战争 随时要保持着勇往直前的精神出于仇恨的聚会是世界大战 为了和平的聚会是奥运会奥运是什么?在我眼里 它是一常没有硝烟的战争 人类之间的战争 就其本质目的来说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:34:31

英语翻译奥运就象战争 随时要保持着勇往直前的精神出于仇恨的聚会是世界大战 为了和平的聚会是奥运会奥运是什么?在我眼里 它是一常没有硝烟的战争 人类之间的战争 就其本质目的来说
奥运就象战争 随时要保持着勇往直前的精神
出于仇恨的聚会是世界大战 为了和平的聚会是奥运会
奥运是什么?在我眼里 它是一常没有硝烟的战争 人类之间的战争 就其本质目的来说并不在于屠杀 而是使对方屈服 这一点 在奥运赛场上得以充分体现 人类作为一种高级动物 本来就有着协作与好战的双重属性 否则 世界上就不会有那么多的战争 希望奥运成为人类竞争与好胜的最终战场,而使真正的血腥战争得以消亡
奥运会无法强迫人们接受和平 但是它为全世界的青年提供了一个象亲兄弟一样欢聚一堂的机会

英语翻译奥运就象战争 随时要保持着勇往直前的精神出于仇恨的聚会是世界大战 为了和平的聚会是奥运会奥运是什么?在我眼里 它是一常没有硝烟的战争 人类之间的战争 就其本质目的来说
What is that Olympic Games resembles the party that war asks to be keeping the spirit advancing
bravely at any time out of enmity right away is World War is Olympiad Olympic Games for peaceful
party? It is that it's purpose to inspect with as soon as not often having the war between the
smoke of gunpowder war human being in self's eyes in me not lie in massacre but be to make the
other party knuckle under this one point being able to be embodied human being sufficiently in
Olympic Games match on as having the attribute cooperating with bellicose doubleness as soon as
kind of high-grade animal is original
The world is otherwise upper cannot be therefore likely get that so many war hopes Olympic
Games becomes human competition and the ultimate battlefield having a desire to excel,
but makes bloody real war manage to die out Olympiad has no way to force people to accept
peace but it gets together joyously like the blood brother for the whole world youth has
provided a elephant chance

The Olympics the elephant war wants to keep to go forward courageously at any time of spirit
The party which proceeds from old grudge's ising a world war is an Olympic game for the sake of the pea...


The Olympics the elephant war wants to keep to go forward courageously at any time of spirit
The party which proceeds from old grudge's ising a world war is an Olympic game for the sake of the peaceful party
What is the Olympics ?In the my eyes it is an often have no nitric smoke of the war of of war mankind in regard to its essence purpose don't lie in massacre but is make the other party accept defeat this on the Olympics match field can well body now mankind's conduct and actions a kind of deluxe nimal original have cooperation and bellicose and dual attribute otherwise will not have so many wars to hope that the Olympics becomes mankind a competition and love to excel in the world of end battlefield, but make real of bloody the war can perish
The Olympic game can't force people to accept peace but it provided an elephant full brother for the youth of whole world similar have a happy reunion a hall opportunities


Olympics as war, and they have to maintain the spirit of courage. Hatred for the gathering World War, for the sake of peace is a gathering of the Olympic Games.
What is the Olympics? In my ey...


Olympics as war, and they have to maintain the spirit of courage. Hatred for the gathering World War, for the sake of peace is a gathering of the Olympic Games.
What is the Olympics? In my eyes it is a regular smokeless war. War between the human in its essence is not the purpose of the Holocaust, but to bring the other side to bow This is the Olympic Games can be fully reflected. As a senior human animals, and they have a collaboration with the dual nature of militant. Otherwise, the world will not have so much war. Hope that the Olympic competition and become the ultimate battlefield front, genuine war to the bloody demise.
Games can not force people to accept the peace it for the youth of the world to provide a like brothers, like the festival opportunities
