写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English要求:Definition of News,The Front Page,Headline,Lead,The Body of the News Story,Understanding New Words,the Feature Story.这几个要素至少用到5个,字数500.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 00:20:12

写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English要求:Definition of News,The Front Page,Headline,Lead,The Body of the News Story,Understanding New Words,the Feature Story.这几个要素至少用到5个,字数500.
写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English
要求:Definition of News,The Front Page,Headline,Lead,The Body of the News Story,Understanding New Words,the Feature Story.这几个要素至少用到5个,字数500.

写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English要求:Definition of News,The Front Page,Headline,Lead,The Body of the News Story,Understanding New Words,the Feature Story.这几个要素至少用到5个,字数500.
My Understanding of Journalistic English
As we know, the world is much smaller than before in our mind. We can learn those which happened in the other side of the world through news from newspaper, television, radio and other mediums. And reading journalistic English is becoming a part of our lives.
To me, journalistic English is much different from daily English. We can talk about it starting form the definition of news. In our news academia, the most authoritative definition of news is proposed by Lu Dingyi in1943. He said," The definition of news is the report of the most recent factual report." So journalistic English must be objective and authentic. Journalists mustn't bring in their own emotions in the news they wrote. It is an important part of journalistic English.
Especially to deserve to be mentioned, the content of the front page must be a big news which is the biggest news of the column. And the headline must be striking, compact and to the point. It must be easy to catch the eye of the readers or the listeners. And it must be easy for the readers or the listeners to seize the key point of the news. It must be easy to understang too. It may make them have the interesting to read or listen more.
How about the body of the news story? We can know much from the definition of news. It should be objective and authentic. And Journalists shouldn't bring in their own emotions while they write it.
There are many new words we can find in news. How to understand them? In my opinion, we can learn from the text. Every word has its fit circumstance. We can understand the word in it.
Next, let us talk something about the feature story. It is a especial part of news. Usually, its content is about a hot topic or some especial news. It is attractive to a kind of people but not the other people. This kind of people, I mean, are interested in the hot topic or something of that kind. There may be some viewpoints of the author.
In a word, journalistic English is something special, and it is difficult to drive. It is a subject which we should spend much energe on. And it need a lot of time too. If you get a turely understanding of it, you will find that it is a kind of art. You will get much fun from it. It is fascinating!

写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English要求:Definition of News,The Front Page,Headline,Lead,The Body of the News Story,Understanding New Words,the Feature Story.这几个要素至少用到5个,字数500. 如何写英语论文?要写一篇问题是戏剧艺术是什么的英语论文要求五百个单词,而且不许抄袭, 急求一篇英语论文题目是the linguistic features of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 写一篇英语作文,题目是Breakfast and My Fanily 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是 MY BEDROOM 写一篇题目是《My dream room》的英语作文 写一篇题目是My Sitting room英语作文 写一篇英语论文的提纲outline的模版/格式是怎么样的? 谁能帮我写篇本科英语论文?本人要写一篇关于中西方文化的英语论文, 实在是没有思路,想请各位指点迷津 我是业余英语专业的学生,想写一篇《老人与海》The Old Man and the Sea的英语论文,最好是英文的,题目不要太大,比较好写的,最好有提纲的,因为本人水平有限啊! 英语论文开题报告 我的题目是英文报纸标题的歧义,这个题目怎么写开题报告啊? 国际商务谈判 如何打破僵局 英语论文写一篇英语论文 如何打破僵局 求关于嘉莉妹妹的英语论文题目及参考文献!我要写一篇关于《嘉莉妹妹》的英语论文,从哪方面切入比较好写呢?另外,推荐一本相关的参考文献!不甚感激! 急需一篇关于中国和英国政治制度的英语论文.1000字左右注意是英语论文呢. 大学英语论文题目, 英语论文题目格式, 写一篇题目是My plan for next week和一篇题目是My plan this weekend的英语作文6句 英语论文提纲怎么写啊?我的题目是The characteristics of tourism English and its translaion,可是不知道提纲该怎么写、请各位写过英语论文的大神指点指点,请仔细说明,