
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 14:56:51


The first thought occured to everyone will be the amazing experience of the weight lost from 230 pounds to 150 paunds at the mention of Joyce.After one year's hard work,joyce lost 32 pounds successfully.She made a urban myth in weight-losing,and the "fat little girl" finally transformed into a "beauty".
She said,nobody deserves that missing the chances of life,and weight-losing brings a lot of benefits.


Speaks of joyce everybody first to think is certainly she reduces from 230 pounds to 150 pound mysterious experiences. After near one year endeavor, Xinyi succeeds subtracts 32 kilograms, created one ...


Speaks of joyce everybody first to think is certainly she reduces from 230 pounds to 150 pound mysterious experiences. After near one year endeavor, Xinyi succeeds subtracts 32 kilograms, created one to lose weight the myth, “the young fat little girl” transformed “the beautiful young girl” finally. She said that each people should not because of obese lose the life the opportunity. Loses weight brings many advantage.


Joyce that we first thought she must be reduced to 230 pounds from 150 pounds magical experience. After nearly a year of effort, the success of Xinyi minus 32 kg, has created a myth of weight loss, "f...


Joyce that we first thought she must be reduced to 230 pounds from 150 pounds magical experience. After nearly a year of effort, the success of Xinyi minus 32 kg, has created a myth of weight loss, "fat little girl" has degenerated into a "girl."
She said that everyone should not be because of obesity and the loss of life. Bring many benefits to weight loss.


英语翻译说到joyce大家第一个想到的一定是她从230磅减到150磅的神奇经历.经过近一年的努力,欣宜成功减去32公斤,创造了一个减肥神话,“小肥妞”终于蜕变成了“美少女”.她说,每个人都不应 为什么一说到长江入海口,人们就想到上海,而想到南通的却很少? 说到海南,大家会想到什么呢?我想大家的第一反应应该是椰子、蓝天白云和大海吧 英文翻译 英语翻译第一个句子叫“1.也许我不是一个天生的农民,但说到在农场的生活,我还能应付得过去”.一直到第10单元的课后翻译,是第三册啊 怎样修改读后感?我写了700左右字的一篇比赛的读后感,我总觉得整体不太协调.大致内容如下第一段我写了开头(说到**,大家都想到什么?是**是**,但*****,都在这一本《**》)第二段写了什么时候 怎么理解内能这个概念?一说到某物体的内能你们最先想到什么? 地震的时候,你第一个想到谁?今天地震了,你第一个想到的谁呢 ?大家都来回答一下. 英语翻译德国是世界上汽车制造强国,在全球中高档汽车市场上,德国汽车品牌占有重要地位,迈巴赫、宾利更成为身份高贵的象征.一说到德国汽车,人们首先想到的是安全、舒适、节能、环保 英语翻译:说到这里,大家是不是对我有了更深的了解? joyce 帮忙想一个英文名字,姓房房玉,23岁,但看起来长不大的样子,是个很可爱的小女生.大家帮忙想一个好听的英文名字,最好说到那个英文,能第一时间想到房玉这个女生.英文名字有来源的最好说下 当说到某事的时候 求英语翻译~ 谁帮个忙起个英文名?我叫丽娟.Joyce大家觉得这个怎么样?因为我是水瓶座的. 英语翻译忽然想到的~ 日字加一笔 你第一个想到的是什么字 提到狐狸精你第一个想到的词是什么? 看到“星星”这个词,你第一个想到的是什么? 提到“哲学家”你想到的第一个词