高三一模语法单选求帮助In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.A.that B.those C.one D.the ones为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:54:57

高三一模语法单选求帮助In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.A.that B.those C.one D.the ones为什么?
In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.
A.that B.those C.one D.the ones

高三一模语法单选求帮助In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.A.that B.those C.one D.the ones为什么?
Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.
析:and后面的省略了copy这个谓语动词,为避免重复,用that来替代抽象不可数名词the behavior
one=a +可数名词的单数.the ones为the +可数名词复数.those=the ones

这里用that 指上文中的 behavior , behavior 是个不可数名词,只能用that, those 指代复数名词, one指代可数名词的单数, the ones 指代可数名词的复数, 所以正确答案只能选 A。

that指代the behavior

what do you think are three most important values in chinese societ?what do you think so? 高三一模语法单选求帮助In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.A.that B.those C.one D.the ones为什么? 在线等英语对话:give advice to your friend on how to fight against sex discrimination in our societ英语对话.不用太多. 英语翻译好像是关于法律的,翻译的好追加分,谢绝翻译器.Ad hoc arbitral tribunal-FlorenceSociet?X v societ?Y Excerpts published in Italian:Diritto del commercio internazionale 1994Commented on by cappuccino in diritto del commercio 英语短文看下有没有语法错误并改正 谢谢!Nowadays, more and more people prefer talking about vocational education or college education ?, because it plays a significant role in daily life. It has caused substantial impact on the societ in的语法和语法例句 姐姐再帮忙下,我在写作文,几处语法求帮助..Who is in the sea?A lot of big beautiful mountain. let in用法 语法 例句let in用法 语法 let in用法 语法 let in用法 语法 let in用法 语法 let in用法 语法 还有例句 谁能帮我解释一下这句话里as providing是什么语法结构吗?Its findings are described by Ban Ki-moon,Secretary-General of the UN,as providing invaluable insights into the future for the United Nations,its member states and civil societ 英语.帮我看一下有没有错I think we can make a realalistic goal,then stick to it .In our spare time,we can participate in various student union to improve our talent.In order to increace our society experience,we can take part in some societ insurnce in respect of the property will be carried out by the society求翻译insurnce in respect of the property will be carried out by the society in accordance with the rules and the mortgage conditions with such insurance companies as the societ 做GMAT语法对提升SAT有帮助吗 虚拟语气的基本语法求大神帮助 in the city in which 语法对吗? Nothing is less to be desired than the fate of a young man who ,as the Scotch proverb says,in tryNothing is less to be desired than the behavior of a man that treating their parents as a heavy burden and becomes common in the highly civilized societ 求大神改英语演讲稿!In modern times need what kind ofEnglishIn modern times,the society needs is what the form of English?Is a high performance?Or smooth fluent in spoken English?Or you'll neverforget the word memory?I think is not,the societ 急,急,急,妇女是待在家照顾孩子做家务还是在外工作.英语辩论我的观点是在外工作!women should stay at home and bring up children!是英语辩论,请用英语回复,我的观点是women should go out work in the societ 1.She ( ) for a moment,and then continued.a、A.pausedb、 B.stoppedc、 C.interruptedd、 D.broke2.You can't find them at the hotel now; they have just ( ).a、A.checked offb、 B.checked awayc、 C.checked outd、 D.checked up3.In the modern societ