
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:16:04


maybe可以,现在叶片pcr也挺多.水稻可以,玉米也还好吧~~~ 你试一下呗~~~
取叶片(4平方毫米左右)置于PCR管,加0.25mol/L NaOH 40ul,沸水浴30sec,取出离心管,再加40ul 0.25mol/L HCl 和 20ul 缓冲液(0.5mol/L Tris-Cl, pH8.0; 0.25% NP-40),沸水浴中煮2min,室温下12000g 离心1min, 弃上清,于每个PCR管中加入50ul PCR反应液,开始PCR.
水稻也是差不多的,先加NaOH 研磨 再加TRis-HCL 研磨 后导入离心管 离心.最后跑PCR时用的模板就是离完心的上清.
Part I(a): Leaf Prep for PCR
1.5 mL microfuge tubes (with caps that stay closed when boiled)
Microfuge tube pestles (that fit the tubes tightly & reach to the tube bottom)
Dry ice crushed powder fine
Boiling water
0.5 N NaOH
Buffer: 0.2 M Tris, pH 8, 1mM EDTA
Cut off leaf (size = O) and place into the bottom of a labeled 1.5 mL microfuge tube and place onto dry ice. Place the pestles on dry ice also.
To obtain a good DNA yield, make sure the leaf is really frozen before you try to grind it. You will hear the leaf break as you grind it.
Collect up to 10-20 tubes on dry ice, grind the frozen leaf with a plastic microfuge tube pestle until it is powder fine and replace the tube on dry ice. (Use a different pestle for each leaf prep.)
Add 10 ul of 0.5 N NaOH to the tissue and thaw at room temp. Flick the tube a couple of times to be sure that the leaf bits are resuspended. (Note: You can hold the tubes at room temp for ~20 mins at this point.)
Give the tubes a quick spin in a microcentrifuge (5 sec).
Put the tubes into boiling water for 30 seconds.
After removing the tubes from the boiling water, add 100 ul of the Tris/EDTA buffer.
The preps should be placed on ice if they are to be used immediately or stored at -20 for later use.
Before setting up for PCR, vortex or mix the preps well to resuspend the leaf bits. Use 1 ul of the preps in 25-50 ul PCR reactions. (Note: Going higher than 1/20 DNA/reaction volume ratio can inhibit the reaction. Also, it seems to help if some leaf matter is included in the 1 ul.)

最近要用PCR检测好几万个样品(玉米叶片或种子),请问有没有方法可以不用提DNA就可以直接做出PCR的? pcr检测细菌培养哪个好pcr检测和细菌培养哪个好?pcr检测和细菌培养哪个的结果要准确点? PCR试剂盒600次,790元,某组织样品用15对随机引物扩增,就是15次PCR?有10个样品同时用同样的15对引物,是多少次PCR? pcr检测跑胶时,为什么mark很漂亮,可是样品条带没有呢 用PCR检测HPV准确吗 求解荧光定量PCR检测报告单检测项目 样品浓度 单位 CT值 参考范围UU-DNA 40 pcr的特异性检测和敏感性检测要怎么做? 用RT-PCR检测5个基因的表达水平要花多少钱?从开始设计引物到出来结果,全套的, 如何排除死亡细菌残留DNA对PCR反应的干扰我是做食品样品检测,检测原核细菌,灭菌后残留的DNA对试验结果有较大影响,如何排除.给出一个思路就好.P.S.本来我是想逆转录PCR,但对原核生物无效, 为什么检测一些基因往往要用RT-PCR?直接扩增其DNA不行吗? 要检测一个基因的mrna表达量用原位杂交PCR技术,哪个定量更准? 要检测一个基因的mrna表达量用原位杂交PCR技术,哪个定量更准? pcr检测是什么 什么是pcr检测 pcr:dna检测参考值 怎么在EXCEL中每10个数值求平方和?我知道用sumsq求平方和,但是我的数据有好几万个,我要每10个求一次平方和. 丙型肝炎病毒HCV.RNA荧光定量PCR检测结果是1.55E+006.参考植,〈500 意思是一毫升血液好多少个病毒 用PCR检测HPV准确吗?PCR是用什么检测?提取的检测物是什么?FISH是用什么检测?提取的检测物是什么?