
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:50:40


-- Chinese nation will never lose
Background: May 12, 2008, 2:28 p.m., in Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province 8.0 earthquake, tens of thousands of casualties and losses.
I never had doubts the ability of the Chinese people, the 5,000-year savings of extraordinary perseverance and wisdom of combining, and the Chinese nation stand Millennium Kuiranbudong. War the Chinese people do not wear the drive, poverty difficult to weaken China's passion, and the Chinese nation in the internal and external problems, the precarious age, the blood and tears and refused to kill出一条路, we declare to the world, the Chinese people will never lose.
The reason for this is the most important of the Chinese people's blood is thicker than water kindred friendship forged by the national cohesion. 1998-floods leave the Chinese nation, in 2003 the "atypical pneumonia" intimidated Butui Chinese people, the snow early in 2008 will be more people across the country in the heart of both together, the more the Chinese nation in the face of suffering more war-yong, The earthquake, we firmly believe that the same: the Chinese nation will never lose!
I heard the crying orphans Sixinliefei sound, watching the homeless, and relatives of the victims were killed that one of Beiqi face, touching the 1.3 billion people, the armed police a few days Bumianbuxiu fighting in the earthquake relief The first line, the pressure to rescue the masses, they walk the road of more than 100 in the mountains, the materials to the victims in the hands of Zainan said no further risk to give up, they have parents, but also their wives and children, there are countless worried about , But at this time, no one flinched, no one stopped footsteps, they regain the hands of death from numerous live life.
The majority of health care workers left home to the Sichuan disaster areas other son, did not overload the workload overwhelmed them on the shoulder, they like to give the wounded to live like an angel of hope, love of the earth around the Buddha.
We can see that volunteers in the shuttle, made its own strength to aid victims, we can also see that blood donors piling up, his face anxious expression, stirring, we can also see that Premier Wen Jiabao in-depth disaster , In time to see victims Canzhuang crying aloud.
We can see that these have been sufficient, they are the frontline, the people rest assured that there are an endless rear support, victims feel at ease.
The Chinese people at home and abroad who have donated their share of love, as disaster areas raised more than 8.9 billion of funds, it shocked the world and humanity at this moment be the most glorious video card, more prominently displayed Chinese nation in the face of disaster striking unity and cohesion.
No matter what the disaster in the face of the Chinese nation have not flinched, we fight with death and doom contend, the final victory will belong to this great nation. 地震中的龙图腾











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