Be of noble character and high prestige咩意思啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:15:25

Be of noble character and high prestige咩意思啊
Be of noble character and high prestige咩意思啊

Be of noble character and high prestige咩意思啊
be of +名词 =be + 该名词的形容词形式
eg be of importance =be important




be noble and be Be of noble character and high prestige咩意思啊 noble Noble industry 是什么意思? Noble industry of education 呢? 谢谢! What kind of person is noble Be humble,for you are made of earth.Be noble,for you are made of stars.这句该怎么翻译? noble birth;happy;beautytruth;noble;kindbeautiful;loving;kindfull of grace;God is graciousGod is gracious The list of American writers who awarded the Noble prize 英语翻译①On some of those long ,seemingly endless nights of studying and writing ,it will be only natural for you to long for the good old days.②An institution for testing people’s attitudes found that a good vocabulary is the only characte 英语翻译noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men.lack of culture means what it has always meant:ignoble civilizaition and therefore imminent downfall.-------Frank lloyd Wright 英语翻译There is what might be called the noble failure-----the special heroism of aiming high,doing your best and then,when that proves to be not enough,moving bravely on. 防腐Relating to coatings,if one of two dissimilar metals in contact is to be coated,the more noble or more corrosion resistant metal should be coated.Why?为啥更耐腐蚀的一方要被涂涂料? 麻烦帮我分析下句子的结构Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. noble goddess noble好吗? Noble temperament. he is of a noble strain 他系出名门.请问这个OF怎么理解? 1That perfect man 2 noble 3Gentleman of 4 gentle这几个单词分别是什么意思?