
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:22:08

什么是爱?谁能说得清道得白呢?两情相悦的幸福,背后总有自我牺牲的悲壮.包容是爱,宠溺是爱,暗恋是爱、依恋是爱、虐恋也是爱……我们每个人都深深的陷入爱的漩涡.期待着、享受着、回味着、追忆着爱.  剧院魅影,一个出生于贵族家庭的“象人”,面具是他来到这个世界以后穿的第一件衣裳.仅仅是因为他的容貌.他被光鲜的世界排斥了,没有尊宠、没有关爱.漂泊四方,在任何地方都成为别人猎奇的目标,甚至成为马戏团铁笼中的小丑.……   喜爱“魅影”这个角色,因为他虽然容貌丑陋,但这掩盖不住他那与生俱来的贵族气质,遮蔽不了他出众的才华,也无法抑止他对爱的追求.他爱克里斯汀,一个巴黎歌剧院里看上去默默无闻的舞者.“魅影”为她创作优美的音乐、华丽的歌剧、教导她歌唱、训练她的舞姿.帮助她成为一个令整个巴黎倾倒的女神.  “魅影”以为克里斯汀就是他的,或者说是因为他向她倾注了所有的热情.她代表了他所有的理性(对音乐的热爱)与非理性(对爱的痴狂)的追求.当克里斯汀与拉乌尔在巴黎歌剧院的楼顶海誓山盟的时候,魅影的心碎了.再次感到无依无靠、被抛弃.凄厉的呼喊响彻巴黎的夜空,却仍然无法改变命运的安排.

What is love?Who can tell another white?The two lovers happy,always has the heroic sacrifice oneself.Tolerance is a loving,spoiled is love,unrequited love is love,is love,is love attachment of sadomasochism ......We all deeply fall in love again.Look forward to,enjoy,aftertaste,reminiscing about the love.Phantom of the opera,was born in a noble family" Elephant Man",the mask is he came to this world after the first dress to wear.Just because of his appearance.He was bright world exclusive,no respect pet,without a care.Wandering the Quartet,to any place in be curious,and even become a circus clown of the cage.......Like the" phantom of the opera" the role,because although he is ugly,but it could not conceal his innate nobility,cover up his outstanding talent,is also unable to restrain his quest for love.He loves Kristen,a Paris opera dancer seems unknown to the public." The phantom of the opera" for her creation of beautiful music,opera,and teaches her gorgeous singing,training her dancing.To help her become a whole Paris dumping goddess." The phantom of the opera" that Kristen is his,or that it is because he promised she devotes all her passion.She represents all his rational ( love of Music ) and irrational ( on the madly in love ) pursuit.When Kristen and Raoul at the Paris opera house roof exchange solemn vows and pledges when broken,phantom of the opera.Again feel helpless,abandoned.The shrill cries of Paris throughout the night,but still can not change the fate.
