英语翻译1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 01:43:23

英语翻译1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公
1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公司极有可能在下星期宣布破产(declare bankruptcy) (judge from) 5她把一生都献给了无家可归的孩子(devote) 6只有高级官员才能接触到这些机密档案(access)

英语翻译1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公
1,Does it possible to purchase him to give up smoking?
2,If I'm not available when you called,please leave a message for my secretary.
3,This book covered almost all important thesis about the teaching of language.
4,Judging from the information that we have ,this company will mostly like to declare bankruptcy next week.
5,She devote her whole life to the homeless children.
6,Only high level officer can access these confidential files.

1 is it possible to persuade him to stop smoking?
2 when you come here,if i am not available,please leave a message to my secretary
3 This book almost cover all the important topics ab...


1 is it possible to persuade him to stop smoking?
2 when you come here,if i am not available,please leave a message to my secretary
3 This book almost cover all the important topics about the language teaching
4 judging from the information collected , the company is likely to declare bankruptcy next week
5 She devotes her whole life to the homeless children
6 Only high officials have the access to these secret files


1.is it possible to persuade him to stay away from smoking?
2.if you call while i'm away, please leave a message to my secretary
3. this book almost cover all the important issues about langu...


1.is it possible to persuade him to stay away from smoking?
2.if you call while i'm away, please leave a message to my secretary
3. this book almost cover all the important issues about language teaching.
4.it can be judged from our collected information that this company is probable to declare bankruptcy next week.
5. she devoted her whole life to homeless children.
6.only senior official can be accessed to these confidential files.


1.我们需要使用某些额外的词语来使语言更有礼貌(certain,help) 2.对不起,1、we need some certain word to make our language politely. 2、i

1 Is it possible to persuade him to quit smoking?
2 In case I am not available when you call me, please leave a message to my secretary.
3 This book covers almost all the important topics on l...


1 Is it possible to persuade him to quit smoking?
2 In case I am not available when you call me, please leave a message to my secretary.
3 This book covers almost all the important topics on language teaching.
4 Judged from the information collected, the company is likely to declare bankruptcy next week.
5 She devoted her whole life to the homeless children.
6 Only senior officers have access to these confidential files.


英语翻译1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公 我已说服了他戒烟用英语怎么说十万火急 用英语翻译 我说服他放弃抽烟 后来他决心说服更多的人戒烟(dtermine persuade)翻译英文,带括号里的单词 吸烟有害健康,但是爸爸总是爱抽烟.如果让你去说服爸爸戒烟,你该怎么说呢? 劝爸爸戒烟的感人句子我劝爸爸戒烟好久了他听过都没当一回事我试过一次劝得都哭了他就戒烟戒了一天 然后又忍不住抽烟好苦恼他年纪不小了又有很多病痛~有没有一些很感人劝爸爸戒烟 他已经戒烟了 英语翻译(用drop) 我劝父亲戒烟,但他不听.用英语翻译 英语翻译1 你戒烟多久了?我如果翻译成:How long haven't you smoked 这么翻译行么,语法是否正确,句子意思可以么?2 他已经戒烟3年了,你就不要让他再抽烟了.3 咱们上一次去游乐场是在什么时候呢?4 1;进入初中后,学习更加紧张了.妈妈就不允许我看电视,但是适当收看电视节目,可以开阔视野.我该怎样说服妈妈?2;爸爸常年抽烟,身体不是很好,我想劝爸爸戒烟,该如何说呢? 英语翻译ma po tofu?Mapodoufu?有没有其他说法比较贴切 将“完全”,“说服”,“没有”,“他”,写两个意思不同的话 碰到一个自以为是的人,怎么才能说服他呢? 有没有可能机械效率大于零呢? 假如你有一个同学已经迷恋上了网络游戏,你将怎么说服他放弃这一不良嗜好呢? 他有什么呢?英语翻译, 怎么戒烟、怎么戒烟、怎么戒烟?我爸爸有20年的烟龄了,好为他的身体担心,请问怎样才能戒掉烟? 都说吸烟有害健康,如何快速戒烟?我想戒烟已经很久了!但是怎么也戒不掉,请问有什么方法快速戒烟呢?