英语的一些题目啊(不是太难,大家不用害怕)同义句1,He was just falling asleep when someone was knocking at the door loudly.He was just_____ _____ _____ when _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at the door.2,Father bought a computer for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 18:42:57

英语的一些题目啊(不是太难,大家不用害怕)同义句1,He was just falling asleep when someone was knocking at the door loudly.He was just_____ _____ _____ when _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at the door.2,Father bought a computer for
1,He was just falling asleep when someone was knocking at the door loudly.
He was just_____ _____ _____ when _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at the door.
2,Father bought a computer for me last Sunday.
Father bought _____ _____ _____ last Sunday.
3,Tom's car is good,but Mary's is even better.
Marry's car is _____ _____Tom's.
4,I'm poor at Maths.Could you give me a hand?
Could you _____ _____ _____my Maths?
5,Let me have a look at the cards from your friends,OK?
Would you please _____ _____the cards from your friends?
6,This bag is heavy ,but that bag si not so heavy.
This bag is _____ _____ _____that bag.
7,I joinde the youth league three years ago.
I _____ _____ a youth league member for years ago.
8,He has kepy yhe book from the library for a week.
He _____ the book from the library a week ago.
9,Let's read out our fact sheet one by one.
Let's _____ _____to read our fact sheet.
10,I'm not sure what l can buy for my brother.
I'm not sure _____ _____ _____for my brother.
11,Three people died in the traffic accident.
Three people _____ _____in the traffic accident.
12,Both of them are Young Pioneers.
They are_____Young Pionerrs.
13,It took Lily an hour to finish her homework.
Lily _____ an hour _____ her homework.
14,The park is very beautiful.What a beautiful park it is!
_____ _____the park is!
15,He is so old that he can't tranel by himself.
He is _____ _____ _____ _____alone.
1,Mary dances_____ her sister_____.
A.as better as;does B.more better than;can C.as well as ;does D.as good as;do
2,Tom went_____to look for _____ shoe of his.
A.to upstairs;the other B.to upstairs;another C.upstairs;another D.upstairs;the other
3,My brother is drawing _____ at the moment.
A.very a nice B.very nice a horse C.quite a nice horse D.a quite nice horse
4,He speaks in _____ voice.
A.a loudly B.a loud C.loudly D.aloud
5,----May l _____ your dictionaty?
----Sorry,l _____it to Wang Li yesterday.
A.borrow;lend B.borrow;lent C.lend;borrowed D.lent;borrowed
6,He last because he didn't run _____.
A.fast enough B.enough fast C.too fast D.quick enough
1,Don't do it_____that again.
2,There are two bags full_____rice under the table.
3,The broom is _____ the door.
4,That's a picture _____Tom's family.
5,Who's the boy_____a yellow jacket?
6,What's wrong _____your kite?

英语的一些题目啊(不是太难,大家不用害怕)同义句1,He was just falling asleep when someone was knocking at the door loudly.He was just_____ _____ _____ when _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at the door.2,Father bought a computer for
1falling to sleep .there was a loud knock 2me a computer 3better than 4help with 5show me 6much heavier than 7have become 8borrowed 9be patient 10what to buy 11were killed 12both 13spent 14How beautiful 15too old to travel 16C D C B B A 17like of behind of in with

来hi和我对话吧, 看不过来这么多

不难 但是多

英语的一些题目啊(不是太难,大家不用害怕)同义句1,He was just falling asleep when someone was knocking at the door loudly.He was just_____ _____ _____ when _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at the door.2,Father bought a computer for 我们下星期要口试,题目是用英语介绍一下美国.大家帮帮忙啊,不用太难,简单的,一段话就可以,拜托拜托,谢谢啦~~ 谁能帮我写一篇题目为 attitude to natural disaster 的英语作文啊?不用太复杂,简单一些就可以. 我想要一些有答案的IQ题目,希望大家可以帮助我.谢谢.大家最好列出来,不用给网址。是IQ,不是迷语。谢谢。 推荐一些中英对照书籍我的英语只有六级水平,想看一些英语小说,但又觉得不能全部读懂 所以想要大家推荐一些简单点的中英对照小说,不用太借助中文就能读懂的 初一下册英语暑假作业老师一下子留了8片自定义作文,我想不起来要写什麼,不能太幼稚、也不能太深奥,请大家给我出出主意改写什麼样的作文、题目、不用示范,拜托大家了 求英语写作题目的方案,想每天练习英语写作,基础不是太好,恳请大家帮我想一个关于英语写作题目的方案,最好是由简单到偏难的作文题目, 我是初一的,谁能帮我找一些英语小报素材啊,一般般就可以了,不用太好看 英语作文题目是A travel guide 就写广州吧 要用一些将来时(will)110个单词左右 可以写广州塔和广州的一些美食 不用太好 初中水平就行了 Wait for English jokes!——求英语笑话中等长度 单词不用太难不用太简单越搞笑越好(最好是大家自己看到笑了的,别随便ctrl+c/v来好吗? 初二英语一些阅读题的题目阅读题的题目不是问题.、 一篇短的英语作文、题目一篇短的英语作文哪、80~100字左右吧、、那什么、不要太小儿科、也不要太难的、、是介绍Our Earth 的、不是保护啊什么的、谢谢~ 我要一些英语练习题?最好有答案的题目多点不要太简单的 提一些不用太难、但都需要掌握的问题、、、还要答案、各位大虾帮帮忙啊、、 英语六年级假期计划作文.不用太难的,我都看不懂单词啥意思啊~ 寻求一篇70-80字的英语作文,题目叫《我最喜欢的书》要求用被动语态,单词不用太难,要有翻译. “他告诉我不用害怕”用英语怎么说 帮我写一篇两个人的英语对话,说两分钟左右题目:How do you understand Laughter is the best medicine不用太难,高中水平