用rather than造一个句 要用从句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:15:09

用rather than造一个句 要用从句
用rather than造一个句 要用从句

用rather than造一个句 要用从句
that 是个强调句啊 it is/was 强调部分 that 其他``` 可以理解为:(what you do rather than what you say) matters.括号里可以理解为主

用rather than造一个句 要用从句 would rather .than.怎么用? 用rather than 和less than造句 rather than 后可以加doing的情况是为什么这道题 He likes fishing rather than swimming.为什么要用doing?不是rather than do么? rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?有一个地方是这样说的:注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.有一个地方这样说的:ra 用prefer to ……rather than 造句用prefer to ……rather than 造句,造六个句子 rather than 句式的知识点有什么就是rather than前面要用什么,后面要用什么? You should let him read books rather than playing computer games.这里用rather than可以吗?Let's go hiking rather than staying at home.这里用rather than可以吗?如果用rather than,stay要加ing吗如果用rather than,也stay也可以用ing 英语翻译rather和than分开用是什么意思 用rather than 怎么造句子? 用下列两个短语造句~各造一个~1.prefer doing to doing2.would rather do than do 与其说他是一个诗人 不如说他是一个画家 用 rather than 做英语翻译 关于rather than doing 的一个句子Why didn't you ask for help rather than trying to do it on your own.这里为什么rather than后用doing instead of 有时候可以与rather than 如1》 She is engaged in writing rather than in reading newspapers.这句可以用instead of 代替rather than 2> Shall we have fish instead of meat today?这句可以用rather than 代替instead 3>It's me th rather than 用在哪里?可以用It's rather than.句首句中都可以吗 Would rather...than 和 rather than 有什么区别?一般情况用哪个? 用pefer to do rather than do 和would rather do than do各造个句子 第一个用rather than 造句 第二个用pull together造句 英语大神教一教