rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?有一个地方是这样说的:注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.有一个地方这样说的:ra

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:46:57

rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?有一个地方是这样说的:注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.有一个地方这样说的:ra
rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?
注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.
rather than位于句首时,其后用不带to的不定式,但rather
(1)Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicyde.
(2)Rather than cause trouble,he left.
哪个是正确的。。。? 求高人

rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?有一个地方是这样说的:注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.有一个地方这样说的:ra
rather than + do sth 不管是句首还是句中
would do sth--- rather than do
prefer to do sth --- rather than do /rather than do --- prefer to do sth


They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.

  • increased对应diminished(动词过去式对动词过去式)

We'll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.

  • in the classroom 对应 in the auditorium(地点状语对地点状语)

He preferred to die ratherthan surrender to the enemy.

  • die 对应surrender to the enemy(preferred to do 对应 preferred to do,省掉preferred to)

They think his mother's illness is acute ratherthan chronic.

  • acute 对应 chronic (形容词对形容词)

Ourfindings relate to physicallyratherthan the visually handicapped pupils.               

  • phusically (handicapped pupils) 对应visually (handicapped pupils).


可以把rather than结构上理解成和or、and一样(结构、不是意思)

Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.

ride on a crowded bus 对应 ride a bicycle

Rather than cause(ed) trouble,he left。

caused 对应 left

rather than 出现在句首 后面的动词怎么用?有一个地方是这样说的:注意:如果rather than 用于句首,其后的动词必须改为动名词。例如: Rather than walking, he ran all the way.有一个地方这样说的:ra rather 放在句首一般是什么意思不是rather than ,就是rather rather than 后面加 do 还是doing rather than位于句首的用法求助~如下为VOA 文本中的一段话,其中的rather than 位于句首加动名词having,后面部分动词却用的原型have,Rather than having a car like a Tesla,that's completely electric power,you have a car rather than,instead,instead of分别放在句中?句首?句尾? rather后加比较级rather后面可以直接加比较级吗?如:...rather earlier than usual... rather than 可以后面加doing吗Rather than staying at home,he went to school. rather than 用法rather than 后面要不要加to,什么情况加to would rather...than...中,rather和than后面是接do还是to do还是doing? rather than后面动词要加ing吗 spend doing rather than后面加动词加什么形式 rather than 后面加do,doing都可以? rather than放句首后面加动词的什么形式? prefer to ----rather than -----后面接什么形式? Rather.than后面一定接动词原型么 rather than后面加do,doing,sth都可以吗? rather than不是介词词组吗?为什么prefer to do rather than do中rather than后面加do?介词后面不是应该加doing吗? rather than不是介词词组吗?为什么prefer to do rather than do中rather than后面加do?介词后面不是应该加doing吗?