A spider has( )legs.括号里填什么?

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A spider has( )legs.括号里填什么?
A spider has( )legs.

A spider has( )legs.括号里填什么?



A spider has( )legs.括号里填什么? A spider has ________legs . how many legs does a spider have how many legs does a spider have The spider has eight legs.(改为一般疑问句) There are ( )days in a weekthere ara ( )hours in a day.there ara ( )months in a year.there ara ( )days in a january.A spider has ( ) legs. for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six.insect前面既没有冠词,后面也没有加s,是不可以做主语的那是不是与spider前的a是共用的? The spider has a bulgy abdomen. eight this has more than spider legs怎样连词成句 请问这个句子是不是在and后面省略了动词has,这是什么用法呢?one can tell the difference almost at a glance,for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. 阅读回答问题:Look at this small animal.It has a head and a body.It hasn't got anywings.But it has got eight legs.It is a spider.It isn't an insect because most insects have two pairs of wings,three pairs of legs,a pair of feelers,a head and legs of a spider--the words in beetle=________各位大虾教教我吧,今天考试题目呀! a spider has eight legs and an insect never more than six 中的and 如何使用为什么不写成 and an insect has never more than six不是很明白and 在这句话的用法 为什么后面的句子要省略动词? how_many_legs should take a string which is the name of an animal and return a number representing how many legs the animal has.It needs to recognise at least the following animals:human,chicken,horse,dog,spider,centipede.If it is given an animal it 新概念4第2课疑问请问下这个句子 One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insects never more than six中,那个and an insects.的句子里面怎么没有谓语啊? a bird has two legs.对two进行提问· it has a head it has a body it has six legs 是什么 make me a spider是什么意思