英语翻译如下是关于装修的英语,本人英语水平有限,烦请各路高手帮忙翻译,尽量精准些,定给高分酬谢,盼速回复.Attachment ACornerstones1.The Retail Outlet must bear an outdoor sign with the Franchisor’s logo/insi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 02:21:45

英语翻译如下是关于装修的英语,本人英语水平有限,烦请各路高手帮忙翻译,尽量精准些,定给高分酬谢,盼速回复.Attachment ACornerstones1.The Retail Outlet must bear an outdoor sign with the Franchisor’s logo/insi
Attachment A
1.The Retail Outlet must bear an outdoor sign with the Franchisor’s logo/insignia and designed to Franchisor’s specifications.
2.The interior must resemble that of the original Franchisor’s Retail Outlet store and should entail:
i.black and white non slip checkered flooring 25X25 or 30X30 cm tiles,
ii.a display compartment as specified by the Franchisor,
iii.a freezer as specified,
iv.a display freezer for cakes with a dark brown rim color,
v.Hygienic sealed containers for thawing (i.e.Tupperware)
vi.daylight lamps / halogen spot lights as specified,
vii.furniture as designated by the Franchisor,and
viii.posters and other paraphernalia should follow the theme of the original Franchisor’s Retail Outlet and must be approved by the Franchisor prior to their use.
ix.Coffee and beverage machines will be designated by the Franchisor.
3.A sit-in area for at least 6 people should be made available.Should the franchise decide to expand the sit-in area to more than two (2) tables then the Franchisee should acknowledge that the Retail Outlet will fall under Cyprus Tourism Organization’s (CTO) regulations and permits relating to Café operations.The Franchisee will be responsible for securing such permits and complying with all the relevant rules and regulations.
4.The storage and personal hygiene areas should be distinctly separated (and preferably blocked from customers’ view) from the sales and sit-in area.
5.The Retail Outlet should be equipped with at least one toilet room that includes a toilet and a wash basin complete with all necessary personal hygiene products such as and not limited to cleansers (i.e.soap).
6.Any work areas should be made of material and to specifications that comply with the Ministry of Health regulations.
7.The Retail Outlet should maintain one storage compartment separated from any food or beverage products for safekeeping of chemical cleaners and other hazardous materials.
8.The Retail Outlet’s freezer should be able to maintain pre-frozen stock at minus 18o Celsius.
9.The Retail Outlet’s display freezer should be able to maintain stock at minus 5o Celsius.
10.The Retail Outlet should be equipped with a microwave oven for quick thawing/defrosting.

英语翻译如下是关于装修的英语,本人英语水平有限,烦请各路高手帮忙翻译,尽量精准些,定给高分酬谢,盼速回复.Attachment ACornerstones1.The Retail Outlet must bear an outdoor sign with the Franchisor’s logo/insi
1 .以零售必须承担一个室外标志的特许人的商标/标志和旨在特许的规格.
2 .内部必须类似于原始特许的零售商店,并应包括:
3 .静坐在地区至少6人应当提供.如果特许经营决定扩大静坐地区两个以上( 2 )表则专营应当承认,在零售商店将属于塞浦路斯旅游组织(首席技术官)规例,并允许有关咖啡业务.专营将负责确保此种许可证,并符合所有相关的规则和条例.
4 .存储和个人卫生方面应明显分开(最好阻止客户视图)从销售和静坐区.
5 .该零售店应配备至少一个厕所房间,包括厕所和洗手盆完成一切必要的个人卫生等产品,并不仅限于清洗(如肥皂) .
6 .任何工作领域应作出的材料和规格,符合卫生部规定.
7 .在零售商店应保持一个储藏脱离任何食物或饮料产品保管的化学清洁剂和其他有害物质.
8 .以零售为主的冷冻应该能够保持前冻结的股票在摄氏零下氧.
9 .以零售为主的显示冷冻应该能够保持在零下5o股票摄氏度.
10 .该零售店应配备微波炉快速解冻/除霜.

你这太长了 找翻译公司吧

英语翻译如下是关于装修的英语,本人英语水平有限,烦请各路高手帮忙翻译,尽量精准些,定给高分酬谢,盼速回复.Attachment ACornerstones1.The Retail Outlet must bear an outdoor sign with the Franchisor’s logo/insi 英语翻译本人 英语 水平实在是有限 英语翻译本人英语不好, 英语翻译本人一点英语都不懂的! 英语翻译本人急需关于回忆的英语句子,用来办板报, 英语翻译本人英语不好 怕写错 希望英语好的 帮个忙~ 英语翻译最好是关于bootloader的,2000个单词左右就行,不过多点更好!本人英语不行,最好是翻译好的,英文资料看不懂啊 英语翻译本人英语不好,帮下忙 英语翻译本人英语太差 英语翻译本人英语very poor~ 我家装修风格是现代化的英语怎么说我家装修风格是现代的,并且很典雅. 用来上英语的房子怎么装修 英语翻译本人是英语初学者,这是否跟语法有关~ 求一篇my work experience的英语作文最好关于装修工 或 厨房帮工 的 英语翻译大修住房,用英语怎么说?(以下不用翻译,意思是房间内部所有有破损的地方,全部重新装修维护一下) 英语翻译本人毕业论文部分需要翻译,用了在线翻译,无奈导师说不行,本人英语能力有限,如下:新生代农民工城市融入中面临的问题及对策研究本文在分析相关文献并结合新生代农民工的群体 英语翻译以上是关于电汇货款的一句英语. 本人需要一篇5分钟长的英语短文关于一些名人的,或者是关于一些名胜,都行~急用!