
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:10:36


n 1832, Lincoln unemployed, he wants to become a politician, when state senator but campaign failed.
Then, start your own business, Lincoln, enterprises can be less than a year, he went bankrupt in 17 years has been to repay the enterprise fails debt owed by but could encounter difficulties.
1838, Lincoln feel the body is good, then decided to campaign, but he state parliament speaker failed.
1843, he is campaigning American congressmen, but this is still no success.
Lincoln although repeatedly tried, but again failed to suffer. If you encounter all this, you will not give up? Give these are important to you?
But Abraham Lincoln did not give up, 1846, he again running for congress, finally won the election.
Then Abraham Lincoln application state of land, when officials, but he failed twice.
However, Lincoln no grapes.
In 1854, his election senator, but failed, Two years later he nominated for the U.S. vice President, was defeated by his opponent, Two years later, he again senate race, failed.
Lincoln never give up their pursuit, he has made my life.
Finally, in 1860, he was elected President of the United States.

1832, Lincoln unemployed, he was to become a politician, when state legislators, but the election failed.
Then, Lincoln set up their own businesses, may be less than one year, the business goes ba...


1832, Lincoln unemployed, he was to become a politician, when state legislators, but the election failed.
Then, Lincoln set up their own businesses, may be less than one year, the business goes bankrupt, he was seventeen years and had been for the repayment of the debt owed on business failures and running around, after suffering.
1838, Lincoln felt good physically, so decided to run for state Assembly Speaker, but he failed.
In 1843, he took part in run for U.S. Congress, but this still did not succeed.
But Lincoln did not give up, in 1846, he was again to run for Congress, and finally elected.
Then Lincoln applied for the position of state land officials, but he failed twice successively.
However, Lincoln is not throwing in the towel.
1854, he was running for the Senate, but failed; two years later he was running for U.S. vice-presidential nominee, however defeated by his opponent; It took another two years, he once again running for the Senate, still failed.
Though that,Lincoln has never given up his pursuit, he has been doing the master of their own lives.
Finally, in 1860, he was elected U.S. president.


1832, Lincoln unemployed, he was to become a politician, when state legislators, but the election failed.
Then, Lincoln set up their own businesses, may be less than one year, the business goes b...


1832, Lincoln unemployed, he was to become a politician, when state legislators, but the election failed.
Then, Lincoln set up their own businesses, may be less than one year, the business goes bankrupt, he was seventeen years and had been for the repayment of the debt owed on business failures and running around, after suffering.
1838, Lincoln felt good physically, so decided to run for state Assembly Speaker, but he failed.
In 1843, he took part in run for U.S. Congress, but this still did not succeed.
Although Lincoln tried again and again, but it is time and time again fail. If you run into all this, would you give up? For you to give up these things are important?
But Lincoln did not give up, in 1846, he was again run for Congress, and finally elected.
Then Lincoln for the land when the state officials, but he failed twice successively.
However, Lincoln is not throwing in the towel.
1854, he was running for the Senate, but failed; two years later he was running for U.S. vice-presidential nominee, the results have been defeated opponent; It took another two years, he once again running for the Senate, still failed.
Lincoln has never given up his pursuit, he has been doing the master of their own lives.
Finally, in 1860, he was elected U.S. president.


In 1832,Lincoln lost his job.He wanted to be a politician,but he failed in the selection.
Then,Lincoln started to launch a company.However,the company bankrupted in less than a year and left him l...


In 1832,Lincoln lost his job.He wanted to be a politician,but he failed in the selection.
Then,Lincoln started to launch a company.However,the company bankrupted in less than a year and left him lots of debts. In order to pay for the debts,he went many places and suffered a lot of hardship.
In 1838,Lincoln felt healthy and decided to campaign for the speaker of the council,but he failed.
In 1843,he campaigned for a senator,but he failed again.
Although Lincoln tried over and over again,he failed everytime. If you were Lincoln,will you give up? Will you give up the important things for you.
While,Lincoln didn't give up,so in 1846,he campaigned for a parliament senator again and he made it at last.
Then Lincoln applied for an land official of the local state and he failed twice.
However, he didn't give up.
In 1854,he campaigned for a senator,but he failed; After two years he campaigned for the deputy president of America,but he was defeated by his rival;Two years later,he campaigend for a senator again and he failed again.
Lincoln never gave up his aspiration and he always led his life.
Finally,in 1860, he was selected as the president of America.




终于,在1860年,他当选为美国总统。 in 1832, Lincoln has been unemployed, he wants to work as statesman, when state congressman but campaigned for is defeated. then, Lincoln begins oneself Begin business, but one year, the enterprise went out of business, he during 17 years continuously when for repayment business failure owes the debt everywhere rushes about, after tribulation. the 1838 year, Lincoln thinks the body to be good, therefore decision campaign State Assembly speaker, but he was defeated. 1843 the year, he participates campaigns for United States Congress congressman, but this time had still not succeeded. although Lincoln place attempts, but is actually place suffers the defeat. If you bump into all these, you can give up? Gave up these to you are the important matter? but Lincoln has not given up, in 1846, he participated once again campaigns for member of national assembly, finally was elected finally. then Lincoln applies to work as Honshu's land official, but he one after another two times was defeated.however , Lincoln has not conceded. the 1854 year, he campaigns for the senator, but was defeated; Two years later he campaigns for American vice president to nominate, the result is defeated by the match; Also two years, he had campaigned for the senator again, was defeated. Lincoln had not given up his pursue, he has been making the control which one live. finally, in 1860, he was elected as American president.






英语翻译1832年,林肯失业了,他要当政治家,当州议员但竞选失败了.接着,林肯着手自己开办企业,可一年不到,企业就倒闭了,他在十七年间一直在为偿还企业倒闭时所欠的债务而到处奔波,历经磨 英语翻译1832年,林肯失业了,他下定决心要当政治家.可是他竞选失败了.在一年里遭受两次打击,这对他来说无疑是痛苦的.接着,林肯着手自己开办企业,可一年不到,这家企业又倒闭了.在以后的17 英语翻译1832年,林肯失业了,他下定决心要当政治家.可是他竞选失败了.在一年里遭受两次打击,这对他来说无疑是痛苦的.接着,林肯着手自己开办企业,可一年不到,这家企业又倒闭了.在以后的17 实际上,他的父亲失业已经两年了用英语翻译 用英语翻译:他失业了,所以现在整天无所事事 “他失业了”的英文翻译 失业了半年,怎么用英语翻译? 用英语翻译这段话.他最近刚失业,但他的朋友很快就给他找了一份新工作. 英语翻译他已经失业5个月了.他连续三个月找工作,结果还是没找到英语来翻译下. 英语翻译约翰失业后,对生活失去信心.他第一次偷东西时就被抓了他被判处3年监禁他求助于一位朋友事实上,这位朋友是去年才当权的这位朋友答应过他有困难就去找他但是,法律面前人人平 英语翻译林肯荣登《时代周刊》封面人物(1963年)林肯是世界历史中最伟大的人物之一,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争.人们怀念他的正直、仁慈和坚强的个性,他一直是美国历史 英语翻译英语翻译.用主系表结构翻译.1.她失业了.2.这个报告听起来很有意思3.布朗先生是一位工程师4.他慢慢变得沉默5.机器坏了6.电视机开着 英语翻译翻译一下·,林肯 林肯是美国的第16任总统.他是个出色的摔跤手,这个特长使他非常自信.因为他的家庭很贫穷,所以他只接受了18个月的正式教育.但是他博览群书,自学成才.他领导了美 侮辱林肯的那个参议员是谁我不要那种他跟林肯有仇,瞧不起林肯的那种答案,我要他是谁 英语翻译宝儿小姐.你还记得2008年1月11日吗,现在已经是2008年7月11日了,我们相恋至今,爱情前程非常美好.你的宝贝向本协会申请公证,并向你宣誓:无论宝贝失业还是耍脾气,他都会一如既往地 英语翻译1、 冬季白天短,夜晚长2、 他失业了3、 书页已经变黄4、 孩子们,请保持安静5、 这位夫人看起来很健康6、 这个报告听起来很有意思 用一句话来形容这件事物.朋友现在失业了,他的朋友亲戚都看不起,我该用哪句话来激利一下他?最好是有点诗意的,晕,是要激励他的. 英语翻译他借钱经商,年底就破产,欠下的债花了16年才还清.林肯领导北方取得美国内战的胜利.人们怀念他正直,仁慈和坚强的个性,他一直是最受景仰的总统之一.不要用在线翻译什么的……