麻烦帮我改下这篇雅思作文..100分some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?正文These days there has bee

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:27:27

麻烦帮我改下这篇雅思作文..100分some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?正文These days there has bee
some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?
These days there has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether animals should be used for human's profit.Some believe it reasonable,while others regard it as an inhuman action.In this essay,I will compare and contrast both opinion regarding this issue.
Some people find that animal experimentations are unacceptable may argue that as well as every person,animals also has the right of survival.No one can decide the being or death of an animal,no matter this animal is belonged to him or not.Besides,the aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human beings.A more significant factor that can be taken to account is that we have suffered from some diseases that come from the indecent treatments we did towards animals,such as H1N1,SARS.
However,some believe that we have used animals for meeting people's demands for so long a period of time that these actions should be correct.Obviously,we have benefited a lot from animal experimentations.For instance,after expoiting on bats,people invent radar that has enhance the development of search technology.As well as this,trained animals indeed hold centain advantages in individuals's daily life.This can be illustrated by this example,dogs that have been trained can help the police find the criminals in a more easier way.
In conclusion,my view is that animals are our companions,but that does not mean we cannot use them to improve the level of human's life.However,it is important that while we are using them for something,we should not forget to protect them,especially when we are to carry out some experiments on animals,we must make sure to minimise the pain of them.

麻烦帮我改下这篇雅思作文..100分some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?正文These days there has bee
Some people who find
as well as every person,去掉
rights of existence
he aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human beings.目的本来就不是为了动物,有点不理解.





Some people who find
as well as every person,去掉
rights of existence
he aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human be...


Some people who find
as well as every person,去掉
rights of existence
he aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human beings.目的本来就不是为了动物,有点不理解。


Some people who find
as well as every person,去掉
rights of existence
he aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human be...


Some people who find
as well as every person,去掉
rights of existence
he aim of our exloitation on animals is always not for animals themselves,but almost totally for the purpose of human beings.目的本来就不是为了动物,有点不理解。


believe that we have used animals for meeting people's demands for so long a period of time that these actions should be correct.Obviously,we have benefited a lot from animal experimentations.For instance

麻烦帮我找几道雅思图表说明文的作文题 麻烦各位老师帮我看下我这个雅思作文大概能得多少分!刚刚写完 还没有改过 有好多错误 麻烦帮我改下这篇雅思作文..100分some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?正文These days there has bee 怎么提高 雅思写作 我高3毕业了 雅思 听力 口语 写作只有3分 .我要考到5分 麻烦具体点 小作文 和 大作文怎么些 我在雅思班上课 感觉 写作效果不大~ 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 麻烦高手帮我分析一下雅思作文5分的原因~555我要考到6.5,这次就败在作文上,其它几项考的都不错~郁闷死了我的作文我感觉也用了很多有科技含量的语言,也没有用模板,就是字数太多了,可能 麻烦帮我做一下英语作文. 老师能帮我改篇雅思作文吗 《雅思9分》可以帮我在一个月之内雅思从6分提升到7分吗? 为什么雅思作文只有5分考了几次了,其他都很好,写作却一直只有5分,望有英语强人帮我指点迷津 雅思作文模板请大家帮我找个雅思学术类task1模版吧 雅思写作小作文我原来知道就是叙述性的作文,可是最近看到很多人怕这个小作文,我有点慌了,流程图 地图 柱状图什么的 麻烦帮我仔细说说 麻烦大家帮我写一篇英语作文要自己写的,如有抄袭现象不给分.随便. 麻烦各位帮我写一份关于细菌的作文,最好运用修辞方式.(细菌分 有益和有害) 跟雅思考官学雅思:雅思8分万能作文 雅思8分万能作文 怎样从雅思4.5分到雅思7分?一年前考的雅思,4.L5R5W5S4.准备今年十一月份再考一次,希望能考到7分以上.现在已经背完三册新概念,正在听listen to this2,有个大学教授帮我改作文.哪位可以帮我制定 有懂雅思作文评分标准的人吗?我的作文能帮我评个分吗?