请英语高手帮我修改下这段话的错误~In summary,this paper is devoted to the study on the reflection of the cultural values in the Chinese and Western horror film,including the introduction of Cultural Values and cultural values reflect i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 02:33:00

请英语高手帮我修改下这段话的错误~In summary,this paper is devoted to the study on the reflection of the cultural values in the Chinese and Western horror film,including the introduction of Cultural Values and cultural values reflect i
In summary,this paper is devoted to the study on the reflection of the cultural values in the Chinese and Western horror film,including the introduction of Cultural Values and cultural values reflect in Chinese and Western horror film.
From the content of cultural values,the values mean the ideas about value; from the form of cultural values,the peculiar thought,idea,spiritual that formed values are mainly refer to the faith,belief,ideal system in the heads of people.The reflection of the cultural values in the Chinese and Western horror film that the project talk about are divided into four respects:Western people are inherently bad and Chinese people are inherently good; Western individualism and Chinese collectivism; Western set up the values independent of nature and China set up on the nature; Western religious thought and Confucianism of China.
Chinese and Western culture values embody in a lot of respect of horror film,what I talk about are only l the tip of the iceberg and there is not enough research on it,so the this project need further study.I hope it will be able to clear away the obstacle of cultural communication and make efforts in understanding different culture.

请英语高手帮我修改下这段话的错误~In summary,this paper is devoted to the study on the reflection of the cultural values in the Chinese and Western horror film,including the introduction of Cultural Values and cultural values reflect i
In summary,this paper means to study the links of cultural values with Chinese and Western horror film,including introducing the reflection of cultural values in Chinese and western horror film.From the content of cultural values,the values mean the ideas about value; from the form of cultural values,the peculiar thought,idea,spiritual that formed values are mainly refer to the faith,belief,ideal system people’s minds.This subject first introduces the definition of and difference between Chinese and western cultural values,then it analyses the reflection of cultural value in Chinese and western horror films in four aspect:humanity,interpersonal relationships,relationship between people and nature and relationship between people and society.And the four aspects are further embodied in:western countries believer that people are bad in nature and China believe that people are good in nature; individualism prevails in western countries,while,China advocates collectivism; Western countries put values above nature and China values are complementary to nature; Western countries believe in religion while China is under the profound influence of Confucianism.Chinese and Western cultural values are reflected in many aspects in Chinese and western horror films,what I am talking about is only a tip of the iceberg and it is far from enough,so further research is still needed.I hope it can make a contribution to clearing away the obstacle for cultural communication between China and western countries and to enhancing cultural amalgamation for Chinese and western cultures.

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