请英语高手给我修改一下这段话的错误帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.B:Could you tell me more about the city?A:Sure.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 18:46:01

请英语高手给我修改一下这段话的错误帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.B:Could you tell me more about the city?A:Sure.
A:Where would you like to go on vacation?
B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?
A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.
B:Could you tell me more about the city?
A:Sure.It's a famous tourist city with long history.
B:Oh.great! And what's your hope?
A:I hope to meet a famous peason.I think it's cool.
B:I don't think so.I want to be a policeman.
A:It's a great dream.But i think as a policeman is dangerous.
B:Yes.It's a little dangrous.

请英语高手给我修改一下这段话的错误帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.B:Could you tell me more about the city?A:Sure.
第一句:where would you like to go for vacation?
第六句:B:Oh.great!(衔接不太连贯) And what's your hope?表达志向理想时hope换为ideal比较好.
第七句A:I hope to meet a famous peason.I think it's cool.改为:I hope to become a famous person.
第九句:A:It's a great dream.But i think as a policeman is dangerous改为:But I think the occupation(职业)of policeman is dangerous.

急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 请英语高手给我修改一下这段话的错误帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.B:Could you tell me more about the city?A:Sure. 请英语高手帮我修改一下这篇作文!改一下语法和逻辑错误以及不妥之处~大的改动也可以的!I Want to Change Something about MyselfBefore I prepared to write this article,I have never considered changing anything about mys 找一个英语高手帮我修改一下resume 英文高手(Grammar)帮我修改一下rewrite 和fix 那些错误的grammar请各位不要用 You这个单词写在文章里 帮我修改一下错误这个文章 请会英文的帮我修改以下我写的这封信 帮我改文法句子什麼的我要写封信给家长 要介绍关於 陌生人的 (我选修的课是育保科 要写封给家长的信)请帮我看看我写的行不行 帮我排版 改错误文 请帮我改一下我的句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢请帮我改一下我的英语句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 若有不通顺 奇怪的地方 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢拜托 请高手帮忙修改英语短文英语比较烂 帮忙我提高英语写作 帮我找出文章中的错误 小弟我不甚感激~ 请高手帮我改一篇有趣的英语对话我们期末口语考试,我和同学做一个对话,我们自己写的稿子,但我们英语水平不好,写的不好,所以想请高手帮我们修改一下,大意不变,把里面的一些不通顺的句 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 请帮我修改英文句子的文法 英文高手请进以下句子请帮我修改一下文法 帮我检查我写的对吗 不对的话帮我改过来1.I would feel sad ,because I don’t want leave my friend.我将会感觉难过 因为我不想离 I can't forget the day you went away请英、美语高手看看我的这个意思翻译成英、美语语法对不对“我不会忘记自从你走的那天以后”,还有如果错误了帮我改一下,最好把the day you went away不要修改删 急求英语高手帮我修改一下一篇英语作文的句式和语法,在线等,不胜感激!五百多字的样子,好心人请留下邮箱,谢谢! 错误帮忙改一下,谢谢!急~帮帮我吧,给好评的~请写出算式 高手帮我修改英语作文, 请帮我改下作文的错误谢谢