英语短文即作用dislike,fall in love with,upset,settle,disagree,concern,be tired of,grateful中的五个写一篇短文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 04:00:17

英语短文即作用dislike,fall in love with,upset,settle,disagree,concern,be tired of,grateful中的五个写一篇短文
用dislike,fall in love with,upset,settle,disagree,concern,be tired of,grateful中的五个写一篇短文

英语短文即作用dislike,fall in love with,upset,settle,disagree,concern,be tired of,grateful中的五个写一篇短文
Ann and Tom have been living together for 20 years. They fell in love with each other when both of them were in college. At the beginning, they were as romantic as any other couples, and they think that they were the luckiest people in the world to marry each other. However, after 20 years, when they got a home, got two children, and got everything settled, the excitement they once had is gone. They start to get upset and argue with each other more and more frequently. Ann always disagrees with what Tom says, and Tom finds more things about Ann that he dislikes. They are going to get divorced tomorrow. It is a very common and sad truth to married couples in modern days, but only a few of them can last for a life time. Many couples forget to be grateful for what they've done for each other.