
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:26:32


Do not eat breakfast seven major hazards:
● do not eat breakfast will cause low blood sugar: Human After a night of sleep, the body's nutrition has been depleted blood sugar levels in the low state, do not eat, or eat breakfast, can not be timely full complement of blood glucose levels in the morning there will be dizzy flustered, limb weakness, lack of energy and other symptoms, and even shock, hypoglycemia, affecting work.
● do not eat breakfast difficult to lose weight: Some people think that eating breakfast can reduce calorie intake, reduce body weight and weight loss. In fact, people who do not eat breakfast, often to eat lunch, because of hunger on the forgotten and can not help but overeat weight loss, resulting in excess body heat, thus not only difficult to lose weight, and easy to get fat.
● do not eat breakfast susceptible to cholelithiasis: The survey found that about 90% of patients with gallstones do not eat breakfast or eat breakfast person. Do not eat breakfast or eat breakfast, fasting for too long, bile secretion decreased, but cholesterol levels did not change, a long time of gallbladder bile of cholesterol within the same stuff can cause the occurrence of gallstones.
● do not eat breakfast susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: people in a night of sleep, breathing, urinating and so dominant and non-dominant sweating, so that a large number of loss of moisture, if the do not eat breakfast or not drinking water, can lead to hypovolemia, blood viscosity, platelet aggregation have increased thrombosis easy to form a small, easy to block the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, the elderly in particular should pay attention to.
● do not eat breakfast susceptible to stomach: eat breakfast, make the human body's biological rhythms change in the digestive system, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and changes in the secretion of digestive juice, digestive juice has not been in the food and will of the fasting gastrointestinal mucosa have a negative stimulus, causing the occurrence of gastritis, severe cases can cause peptic ulcers.
● do not eat breakfast affect intelligence: The experts found that, in intelligence or less the same circumstances, was significantly higher than students who eat breakfast or eat breakfast do not eat those. This is because people do not eat breakfast, the brain would be a result of inadequate nutrition and energy can not be normal development and operation of the will prejudice the long-memory and intellectual development.
● do not eat breakfast affect longevity: the body's health and longevity depend on the human body clock domination, do not eat breakfast clock disrupted the normal functioning of the body the essential nutrients can not get timely replenishment of physiological function will be impaired, along with do not eat breakfast brought about the impact of disease on the body, are affecting people's health and longevity.
Of course, these problems will be difficult to say that emerged after many years, perhaps in your retirement, perhaps tomorrow, you go to when the examination. However, there is a word called "40-year-old predecessors to find disease, 40-year-old looking after the sick people," do not eat breakfast, it was "people to find disease" thing