请英语达人帮助解析一个句子,Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 23:33:55

请英语达人帮助解析一个句子,Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一
Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一讲吧,

请英语达人帮助解析一个句子,Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一
将你的句子试一下:...in the Southern Coastlands climate has the greatest impact on human geography.原句句子得到验证成立.
关于‘of...’开头一问,在你的原句中‘...the greatest impact on ...’是一个最高级形式.因此,‘of...’在这里是表示‘the greatest’的最高级范围.

请英语达人帮助解析一个句子,Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一 请高手帮我解析一个英语句子,请高手帮我解析下面这个英语句子,To a stranger,we don’t have any special form of address.Just try your best to get away from the necessity of using one. 情解析一个句子Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara.请分析句子结构 请英语达人帮助分析一下句子结构.The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. Neither of you should have any beef with me paying.请帮助翻译这句话,谢谢! 请英语高手帮忙解析一个句子From the middle-class family perspective,much of this,understandably,looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility,and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the whole 各位英语高手请帮助翻译一个句子,Happy hearts and happy homes are filled with old-time cheer 英语翻译请帮助翻译金融英语的句子:Each agent compensation unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. How is Jane Eyre affected by religion during the process of her growing?请英语达人帮助!如题~要求是写一个几百字的小短文~ 请英语好的人帮忙用for the purpose of /of the purpose of造句,每个词组造一个句子 英语帝请帮忙,解析句子Suddenly I saw some German soldiers by the light of the moon.这句话中 by the light of the 请英语高手们帮我分析一下这个句子的结构好吗(这一段英文是一个句子,句子太长我分析不来T_T),Any failure or delay in the performance by either party hereto of its obligations under this Agreement shall not constitute 请搜索“五道英语题请求高手解析”这个问题并帮助解决,谢啦! 请英语达人翻译 no one knew of any affair that he has had in like the last ten years? 请细分这句子:Should any harm befall me,you must take care of my son. 请回答一个英语问答句子( )..NO.THERE ARE NOT ANY FLOWERS IN THE GARDEN.上边那句英文该是什么? 请英语达人帮我分析分析下面这个句子结构.Faculty members will be wary of any change that threatens the core curriculum in the name of moving students into the workforce. 不懂英语句子的成分If there is any way in which you can help me tide over the difficulties,let me know.如果你有什么办法帮助我度过难关,请告诉我.He could not find the way to the village in any way.他怎么也找不到那