关于which引导的定语从句我想问一下,I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health, makes our body strong, bonds the friendship.这句话有没有语法上的问题呢,尤其是which后面跟这么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:15:44

关于which引导的定语从句我想问一下,I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health, makes our body strong, bonds the friendship.这句话有没有语法上的问题呢,尤其是which后面跟这么
我想问一下,I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health, makes our body strong, bonds the friendship.这句话有没有语法上的问题呢,尤其是which后面跟这么多的分句可以吗

关于which引导的定语从句我想问一下,I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health, makes our body strong, bonds the friendship.这句话有没有语法上的问题呢,尤其是which后面跟这么

应该吧第二个句子的make改成making 动词原形不能做主语

I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and good for our health, makes our body strong 【and】 bonds the friendship.
根据几个连续动作的规则:A,B and C

既然你已经注意到自己的问题了,那就把句子改写一下。这样:I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health. I makes our body strong and bonds the friendship.整体来说,你写的挺好的。

关于as引导的定语从句我想问一下这句话中用as对不对:加勒比海盗一里有个兵说:“There's no real ship as can match the Interceptor.” 关于which引导的定语从句我想问一下,I like playing basketball, which is popular in universities and is good for our health, makes our body strong, bonds the friendship.这句话有没有语法上的问题呢,尤其是which后面跟这么 关于定语从句的几个问题1.what引导定语从句还是状语从句?2.在定语从句中,which,that有什么区别?3.the one的用法 定语从句的引导词什么时候用which什么时候用where?当定语从句是关于某地点时, 关于从句的引导词帮个忙把能引导不同从句的引导词列一下.顺便说一下是引导什么从句例:as可引导时间状语从句,原因状语从句,比较状语从句.非限定性定语从句, 引导定语从句时of which与which的区别 which who that引导的定语从句的例子 由which引导的非限定性的定语从句例子 以who,which,that引导的定语从句 定语从句引导词that和which的用法 请问定语从句引导词that和which的区别 where which that引导的定语从句有什么区别, 怎样区分when和which引导的定语从句 which引导的定语从句前先行词是什么! as与 which引导定语从句的区别 way引导的定语从句中什么时候用in which 我想问一下从句中that和which的区别 where引导的从句如何区分where引导的是定语从句还是状语从句?(越详细越好)顺便问一下,zero怎么会有复数形式?