如何理解VOA中的这一句话前文大意,渔业学生在海上围起来的渔场练习撒饲料喂鱼.The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.无法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:12:37

如何理解VOA中的这一句话前文大意,渔业学生在海上围起来的渔场练习撒饲料喂鱼.The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.无法
The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.
无法明白之处是"literaly bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed",整句话意思不明,另外literaly在这里表达什么意思?简要解释即可,

如何理解VOA中的这一句话前文大意,渔业学生在海上围起来的渔场练习撒饲料喂鱼.The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.无法

如何理解VOA中的这一句话前文大意,渔业学生在海上围起来的渔场练习撒饲料喂鱼.The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.无法 VOA中一句话as far as 前文大意,一个以前长期以捕鱼为生的渔民现转营为人工养殖,并说因为渔获现在一年比一年少.他的孩子也在上人工养殖的课程.然后就有了这句话:I look into the future,I can't s VOA中一句话的解释前文大意是:医院进行改革并尽量不让病人要等候看病.但如果……If we do have wait,we're trying to add value to that wait,and not just have them sitting and doing nothing.句子前部分的we do have wa VOA 中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中一句话中的词语literally应该如何理解?VOA 2010-9-16中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中这样一句话:In this case,within a matter of literally days since this process began,the leaders hav 请问《一句话》中的“你不信铁树开花”,如何理解, 如何快速理解英语文章的大意 16年前的回忆阅读答案“我”此时表现如何?这表现与前文有何不同?父亲说完了这段话,有望了望我们.如何理解“望”? 怎样理解文章中的一句话 如何理解惠子相梁最后一句话 结合本文内容,说说如何理解“多难兴邦”这一句话 考研英语阅读:如何总结理解的段落大意 VOA 中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中一句话中literally应该如何理解?VOA 2010-9-16中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中这样一句话:In this case,within a matter of literally days since this process began,the leaders have yesterd 单细胞如何危害人类?危害渔业?为什么是饲料?如何净化污水?危害渔业?为什么是饲料?如何净化污水?还有这三个问题 如何理解优雅的清洁工中的一句话:他把“劳动”两个字演绎得尊贵无比. 田子造朝还金 韩婴用一句话概括这则故事的大意 如何了解这一VOA句子前文意思:十三殖民地与大不列颠开战,下面开始讲述当时黑人奴隶的态度.Details are not exact,but history experts say more blacks probably joined the British in the North than in the South.是指 追求卓越,成功就会出其不意地向你靠近,如何理解当中的卓越,难道这个卓越就是追求成功的过程?大意是过程大于结果, 《为了忘却的纪念》中的一些问题归纳其各部分的大意还有如何理解“为了忘却的记忆”本文纪念谁?是怎样的人?