
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:29:28


Tom parents died young from Aunt Polly adoption. Tom can not stand smart naughty school teacher Aunt Polly and bundles , and often truant . Late one night , he and his friend Huckleberry Finn to the cemetery to try guts , but accidentally witnessed a murder from happening. Another time, Tom, Huck with Joe Harper fled with a desert island to start a "pirate " , which makes home thought they died , and they did appear in their own " funeral " on. In court, after a fierce ideological struggle , Tom finally gathered the courage to stand up and testify against the murderer , and the murderer then fled. Later, Tom and Huck in a haunted house in Indian River met Joe ! They heard the Indian River Joe put his money on the II , cross below . During a picnic , he and his classmate Betsy in a cave lost. After a full three days and three nights of hunger, faced with the threat of death , even more frightening is that they are still seeing the cave homicide murderer - Indian River Joe . Eventually, Tom tied in stone by holding the kite lines Pathfinder and found the exit out of the cave. Village people find them, they told about the experience in the cave , and then , the villagers blocked the entrance to the tunnel with iron . Tom told the village people in the cave to see the murderer Indian River Joe , when the village people in the cave to find Indian River Joe , he had starved to death. Finally, Tom and Huck return to the cave and found a treasure, became a hero in the village .
As can be seen from his travels , Tom is a smart kid , he naughty but compassionate . His real life is very dissatisfied , bent forward to become outlaws , over chivalric life. In the aunt 's eyes, he naughty , bad acting and more, can not help himself like him ; may appear in children , he was a wise leader and a hero.
From their performance in difficult among the integrity and courage , in normal life, clever and lively, but seriously childish behavior, left me a deep impression, it can be said was a microcosm of American society .
I think the difficulties do not easily discouraged, to be optimistic , to work hard and stick to it , so as to succeed. Tom sunny side of life tells us , as long as there is a dream , and try to pursue, dreams can come true. One day, our nature can freely play , to create a space of our own . I think Tom lively , free, but there are shortcomings, is he too let others worry about, especially his aunt , for he often fear that Tom did not understand a parent for the child 's efforts, is to keep him hurt, let him grow up healthy , we need to learn a lesson from this point . But I still admire him everything on the outside of curiosity and imagination , but also a bold attempt , brave , yearning for freedom , longing for the future , which had amazing.

英语翻译还有16天我就要上学了,是住宿所以不能帮你赞帮你评论对你说晚安了,但是我永远只爱你,是想在一起的感情不是只是粉丝哦.一定要准时睡觉,按时吃饭,通告再忙也不要耽误,我看了你 还有几分钟就要上学了! 我2点就要上学了, 注意 是描写人的眼睛的好词好句,不是描写别的,还有是好词好句不是一些垃圾句子我还有一天就要上学啦,赶快,求求了 还有4天就要上学了 还没想好了 (简单一点的) 还有2天就要上学了,作业还没做完,怎么办? 明天就要上学了! 明天就要上学了 一会就要上学了, 没有答案、没有得抄,我还有12张语文试卷.怎么才可以快速的做完啊?2月13日就要上学了,我想3天做完.(试卷是四年级的) 我是今年的高一新生,还有15天就要上高中了.我听说上高中每天早上6点就要去上学,晚上10点半才放学,放学以后还有作业!真有那么累吗? 英语翻译谁是他的妹妹这句话怎样翻译成英文十分钟不到我就要上学了,上学后就交作业了~五分钟搞定啊 哥哥姐姐咩.么么达,教教我吧.还有2小时就要上学了.作业还没做完.怎么办啊.求救. 急六点我就要去上学了,平面abcd垂直于平面abef,abcd是正方形,abef是矩形,af=二分之一ad,g是ef的中点.求证平面agc垂直于bgc .求gb与平面所成角的正弦值这是第一题先写下面还有 英语翻译今天是假期的最后一天了,明天就要开学了,好不想开学,到今天作业终于写完了,明天就要上学去了,就要每天早起了晚归了,刚把作业做完,又有新的作业要来了,还有一场考试,睡个好觉, 江西省芝麻开花2010-2011九年级寒假作业 还有几天就要上学了!如果是正确的 大神、帮帮我吧、明天就要去上学了、 谁来教教我这几道数学题,命题就要上学了