character first or academic achievement first英语作文,急两三百字吧,或者一百多字,总之一页稿纸写的差不多就行,,求有关的作文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:42:18

character first or academic achievement first英语作文,急两三百字吧,或者一百多字,总之一页稿纸写的差不多就行,,求有关的作文
character first or academic achievement first英语作文,急

character first or academic achievement first英语作文,急两三百字吧,或者一百多字,总之一页稿纸写的差不多就行,,求有关的作文
Character first or academic achivement first?
I think we should build a character first then academic achivement.The reasons why i think so are below:
I think achivenments are build on the good characters.If someone had no character which helpful to one's success,then he/she would not get a achivement.And if someone had a character which helpful to one's success,then he/she may get some great achivements.Such as Newton,Einstein,Madame Curie and so on.They had done good jobs on academic and got some great achivements which affected the entire world.
Character decides success or failure.If someone brave enough,he/she would get more chance to get achivements.If someone scared about the results,then he/she would get nothing.We all should be confidence,brave,clever and kindful enough to do a good job,thus the achivements.
From the above,we know that any achivement due to a great character.If we dreamt to get some achivements expecially academic achivements,we should build our characters first.And If you have a character which helpful to your success,then,congratulation,you have the talent to get achivements.Believe in yourself,you can shinning like the stars if you have a character which can makes a contribution to your achivements.

Which comes first,character or achievement的英语作文..急 character first or academic achievement first英语作文,急两三百字吧,或者一百多字,总之一页稿纸写的差不多就行,,求有关的作文 Is your character a singer,or does he work with a singer (as a songwriter, Think about a real or fictional character.I will try to guess who it is. Do you think one's character is important in finding a job ? Why or why not? 请教一道TOEFL口语题 托福托福某次考试口语第二题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The first impression or the long-term contact gives people a more accurate assessment about a person's character究竟是要 build a character是什么意思 build a character C语言 帮我检查下代码 很奇怪··主要功能是 用来算 排列组合数InputIn the first line , there is a integer T indicates the number of test cases.Then T cases follows in the T lines.Each case contains a character 'A' or 'C', two in 英语翻译做一个好学生Three attributes can help people in their studies.First,a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character.If you aren't responsible,you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your s 电影wall street(华尔街) 观后感(英文)First,generalize the main idea of the movie you have watched; Second,make some comments relating to one character or one event,etc.anything you have a burning desire to express your viewpoint on.W character character, character, In terms of a person's character,which is the decisive factor?Nature or Enviroment?需要英文的~~急! 为什么说English plays a role as a second or a first而不是the second or the first a character of a childhood story中的character是什么意思? a character of a childhood story中的character是什么意思?