电影wall street(华尔街) 观后感(英文)First,generalize the main idea of the movie you have watched; Second,make some comments relating to one character or one event,etc.anything you have a burning desire to express your viewpoint on.W

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:34:52

电影wall street(华尔街) 观后感(英文)First,generalize the main idea of the movie you have watched; Second,make some comments relating to one character or one event,etc.anything you have a burning desire to express your viewpoint on.W
电影wall street(华尔街) 观后感(英文)
First,generalize the main idea of the movie you have watched; Second,make some comments relating to one character or one event,etc.anything you have a burning desire to express your viewpoint on.Within 200 words

电影wall street(华尔街) 观后感(英文)First,generalize the main idea of the movie you have watched; Second,make some comments relating to one character or one event,etc.anything you have a burning desire to express your viewpoint on.W
The story follows Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen),a young,struggling stock trader,looking for shortcuts in the market and ways to get rich quick.He works the phones,trying to find new clients who have the money and the where with all to make him wealthy without getting old in the process.Gordon Gecko is the man in this world of make believe and money.Gecko has it all and more importantly has it all to offer.Gecko teaches Bud Fox just how the world works,how people like him gobble up entire companies.He provides Fox with a tall,blonde girlfriend by way of Daryl Hannah and even manages to make him balance his best friend (James Spader) by way of his slight of hand business dealings.The most prominent theme throughout Oliver Stone's film is greed and it is what binds everyone in the film.
The performances are brilliant,obviously Douglas' character is the one that comes to mind,but also is the underrated and arguably the best performance by Charlie Sheen who really proves his acting chops with this challenging role.The message of this film is extremely important and will be as long as mankind will live for.

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