写一篇两个人之间的对话 用上这些句子!1can you tell me sonething about it 2it sounds very unusual.3 so it is4 If I am not mistaken 5 I remember...6it is not far maybe five minutes' walk7 late as usual 8 are you ready to...9 let's stop

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:42:22

写一篇两个人之间的对话 用上这些句子!1can you tell me sonething about it 2it sounds very unusual.3 so it is4 If I am not mistaken 5 I remember...6it is not far maybe five minutes' walk7 late as usual 8 are you ready to...9 let's stop
写一篇两个人之间的对话 用上这些句子!
1can you tell me sonething about it
2it sounds very unusual.
3 so it is
4 If I am not mistaken
5 I remember...
6it is not far maybe five minutes' walk
7 late as usual
8 are you ready to...
9 let's stop wasting time please
10 let 's get on with it

写一篇两个人之间的对话 用上这些句子!1can you tell me sonething about it 2it sounds very unusual.3 so it is4 If I am not mistaken 5 I remember...6it is not far maybe five minutes' walk7 late as usual 8 are you ready to...9 let's stop
A:There's a new restaurant in town.It's really neat.
B:Can you tell me something about it?
A:At this restaurant they let you try the food before you buy.The best part is they have 200 different kinds of ice cream!
B:It sure sounds very unusual.
A:So it is.You want to go?
B:Sure,nothing to lose.
A:If I'm not mistaken,it's just down the road from here.
B:Now that you mentioned it,I remember hearing about it on the radio.
A:It's not far; maybe five minutes' walk.
B:We can even have our lunch there.My dad is picking me up after lunch,but I expect him to be late as usual.
A:So,are you ready to go?
B:But I'm not properly dressed for the restaurant.
A:Don't worry.You look fine.Let's stop wasting time please.
B:Alright.Let's get on with it.

写一篇两个人之间的对话 用上这些句子!1can you tell me sonething about it 2it sounds very unusual.3 so it is4 If I am not mistaken 5 I remember...6it is not far maybe five minutes' walk7 late as usual 8 are you ready to...9 let's stop 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 英语对话:Which do you perfer?City or Country?帮忙写一篇口语两个人的对话 ,句子不用太长,但是每个人要说至少5句话, 急求.!谁帮我写一篇关于火灾的英文对话(要两个人的) 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 一般水平的谢谢 个位 简单的英语对话故事要一篇有两个人对话的,只要两个人. 两个人之间的对话(英语,要带翻译的) 求英文高手,写段对话!一个是fitness freak,一个是couch potato.两个人之间的对话,fitness freak劝couch potato运动的小对话! 求一篇英语小对话,两个人的,一人五六句就行 帮忙写一篇关于家庭代沟的英语对话作文吧!是家长和儿女之间加上一个读白的一共三个人的对话, 帮忙写一篇15句左右简单的英文对话,两个人讨论饮食和烹饪的 求高手帮忙写一篇关于校园压力的英文双人对话.关于校园压力的 比如说情感压力 经济压力 找工作的压力等等.10至15句就够了.是两个人之间关于压力的展开讨论。 帮我写一篇两个人的英文对话、、谢谢如上、 situation就定在 《going shopping》上,要求长度大概是能对话3分钟左右 求一篇三个人之间的英语小对话,要短一点 帮我写一篇两个人的英语对话,说两分钟左右题目:How do you understand Laughter is the best medicine不用太难,高中水平 英语故事对话..找一下说英语故事的对话,两个人之间互相说的.单个人不少于10句.A:.B:.A:.B:.......找来参考着写.. 一篇关于中国菜两个人的英语小对话就是两个人在用英语谈论中国菜 求一篇关于 shopping online 的英语对话,就是普通学生之间讨论这个话题,或者关于这的事. 两个人的对话每人 7 .8句就行了 简单点